2. The game is incredibly slow to start and to actually achieve something. A new user gets a crappy roster compared to his/her league rivals. His team can't compete against them, mostly untrainable players, and they have few money to spend on improvements of it and their arena. Proposal: Instead of giving them more money, new users should start with 1-3 skilled players that are competitive in their league and 1-3 that are trainable, HOWEVER, to avoid cheating all those players in the new roster can't be sold.
2.1. Training is sloooooow. Currently we only see if a player improved by the up arrow, we should see at least a number, a percentage or some kind of indicator that a player actually received training in a skill but didn't get an up so we can better monitor the progress, instead of guessing and wasting weeks of training in someone who can't go up any further. One time I spend seven weeks training someone who never got an up.
2.2. Another proposal is adding a projection of improvement giving the potential of a player, because again, the game is very vague, we know a "hall of famer" is better than a "role player" but we don't know where's the cap. AGAIN, we have to guess and spend days and weeks in real-time trying to figure it out.
2.2. The game manual SHOULD tell ALL the skills that are being trained with a specific regime. Instead of playing and enjoying the game we spend more time wondering how does it work, trying to figure out the "elasticity" thing.
2.3 Remove the 48mins condition and choose players manually that will receive training in a particular skill, the minutes they get for playing should boost training not limit it, the playing time should give them more experience that combined with potential boost/limits the training. As it always have been the more players selected the less % of effective training.
Alternatively - for logistics reasons and for easier implementation - lower the 48mins condition to 35mins. The 48mins limits the flexibility in line-ups. When training someone is very common to play him for a whole game to ensure he gets his 48mins and for fear the "substitute" won't get his 48mins a week because the starter gets the most mins. Do we either focus on good line-ups or in training?
3. The box score and the game viewer should have FG%, 3FG% and FT%... how hard is that?
3.1 The game viewer should have more lines or at least a scroll so we can see past plays.
3.2. We stare idly at the game viewer for 17-24secs before we see something happens.