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forum day topic: Potential

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29708.82 in reply to 29708.81
Date: 5/13/2008 4:51:03 AM
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but i assume they werent changing from Prolific to Sensational.... I cant imagine awful to inept of average to respectable adds much on any skill....

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29708.83 in reply to 29708.82
Date: 5/13/2008 4:53:23 AM
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oh yeah of course, good point.

Last edited by BB-Patrick at 5/13/2008 4:53:35 AM

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29708.84 in reply to 29708.82
Date: 5/13/2008 11:23:16 AM
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well, some of my guys turned from (8) to (11) on FT, and only had a few hundred in wage-raise. Should it have been inside defense for example, I estimate they would increase at least 1000, probably more. Or do I have an out of proportions-look on this, onyone had other experiences?

EDIT: I wrote it carefully, since we know FT training posp a player every 2 weeks, and I have been training FT the whole part 2 of the season (since the all star break) so 3 pops is what they surely had, some might even have had 4 pops before the salary update...
Since any other skill (stamina not included) can raise 2 full levels in half a season (from 1 wages update to the next) I think it is clear that if players who raise from 6k salary to 8k salary (rounded) , the FT skillgain does not so much affect wages than other skills would...

Last edited by Lord of Doom at 5/13/2008 11:27:38 AM

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29708.85 in reply to 29708.32
Date: 5/13/2008 4:49:28 PM
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ok.true.i agree
but what if you are training inside players like me and you want to boost for example your OD.
you buy the player with limited skils-low potencial and you need a twice as much weeks to boost his skill.
what about loosing weeks of praktice?
does no one does something like this -by this i mean praktice an outside players whan mostly training inside players

From: Shoei

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29708.86 in reply to 29708.85
Date: 5/13/2008 9:20:40 PM
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i think it would be a good strategy is

if your training inside then concentrate on inside, buy pg,sg or sf players that are already ripe or someone who's skills you can be dependent on and can insert him anytime in your lineup to play.

because if you trainb like that you get affected so much now unless your looking for a long term program with future results.

because your wasting not just time but also other players potential to grow and be better.

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29708.87 in reply to 29708.86
Date: 5/24/2008 12:00:50 PM
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The rules say:

but also a more skilled player will improve more quickly.

Is this still true? Does it mean a multi-skill player will reach his cap more quickly than a one or two skilled player?

Is the 'soft cap' salary driven? A lot of people have turned that notion into received wisdom, but I didn't see any BB explicitly acknowledging that as true.