this site I have a feeling draws pretty decent revenues from the google ads alone, enough to pay the bills. supporter puts a little extra in the pockets.
In answer to the question that perplexes the lot, it is twofold. Is it dying in relation to the heyday when there were 50 almost 60 thousands players, sure of course. Is it dying when compared to the competition, not at all.
can it get back to anywhere near where it was? It would take a HUGE effort on behalf of the whole community to involve, educate and retain new members. what can boost the numbers is good old fashioned referrals. Now I am not as aggressive as I need to be, and I will fix that,by hitting the facebook route. But I have bought in a couple of friends into the game, including one who has been my all time rival in sports video games dating back to the mid 80's who finally signed up for a team on here and who I think will stick around and will find enjoyment out of the experience this game provides.
this game is a internet version of the old stat o matic games from the day. that is how we need to pitch this to our friends. and we need to do a better job of pulling in potential players on that part alone because that is fondly remembered.
though when I think of BB this also comes to mind and I feel is something that everyone who is truly into this game would understand. edited by Coach Lambini at 8/11/2015 10:52:20 PM