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BB Latvija > Tukšas sarunas jeb "NOTHING SPECIAL" 4

Tukšas sarunas jeb "NOTHING SPECIAL" 4 (thread closed)

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From: egolav

This Post:
199514.83 in reply to 199514.82
Date: 1/5/2012 8:59:32 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Apsveikšu arī publiski! Well done!

Par 2. kārtu:
Nu nezinu, nezinu: man gan liekas, ka Tu esi favorīts un, ka 2. kārtas pretinieks ir vājāks, kā bija 1. kārtā. Tā, ka, ja vien uzvaru pret mani nestādīsi augstāk par BBB, tad vinnēsi! :) Veiksmi!

Message deleted
From: Armiins
This Post:
199514.85 in reply to 199514.83
Date: 1/16/2012 8:05:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
nezinu, kā jums, bet es domāju, ka ja gribi skatīties ko kvalitatīvu, jāskatās Vef spēles:D :D :D
Jā, spēle ne vienmēr ir kvalitatīva, bet Buļa komentāri vismaz ir līmenī:D :D :D :D
vakar biju tuvu asarām (no smiekliem), it īpaši pēc Kērtisa skaistā danka:D :D :D

Visiem kuriem patīk smieklīgie Buļa komentāri!:D :D :D :D :D :D

This Post:
199514.86 in reply to 199514.85
Date: 1/17/2012 3:19:00 AM
BC kipucis
Overall Posts Rated:
Speciāli Tucim.. CItādi man viņs jau apnika. :D :D :*

Jan 21 (Sa): Last regular season league game
Jan 23 (Mo): Financial update.
Jan 24 (Tu): Playoffs: Conference semifinals and Relegation Playoffs Game 1.
Jan 24 (Tu): Every team that is eliminated from the playoffs has a scrimmage generated for Jan 28.
Jan 26 (Th): Scrimmages/Cup game
Jan 28 (Sa): Conference finals, Relegation Game 2, scrimmages.
Jan 28 (Sa): League finals and Feb 4 scrimmages (for the other 14 teams) generated.
Jan 30 (Mo): Financial update: Last chance to invest in the season 18 draft.(Unused scouting points transferred to new season)
Jan 31 (Tu): Finals Game 1, Relegation game 3 (if necessary)
Feb 2 (Th): Scrimmages
Feb 4 (Sa): Finals Game 2, scrimmages for all other teams.
Feb 5 (Su): Finals Game 3 (if necessary)
Feb 6 (Mo): Financial update.All teams paying salaries this week.
Feb 6 (Mo): We begin off-season processing. After the conclusion of the last competitive national team game of the day, this involves draft's procedure,injuries and a Game Shape reset, so it is probably inadvisable for most teams to train Game Shape.
Feb 6 (Mo): NT Elections begin late tonight (EST). Please refer to the NT "Election Central" page for further information about the deadlines to register and vote.
Feb 6 (Mo): (If added) New countries are first available for sign-up.
Feb 9 (Th): Scrimmages
Feb 11 (Sa): First league game day of the new season.
Feb 13 (Mo): Financial Update.
Feb 14 (Tu): NT Elections conclude at the end of the day (EST).
Feb 14 (Tu): Second league game day of the new season.
Feb 15 (We): First BuzzerBeater's Best game of Season 19.
Feb 16 (Th): First Tournament game of Season 19.

This Post:
199514.87 in reply to 199514.86
Date: 1/17/2012 3:19:42 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
nu nu..

From: kaprons
This Post:
199514.88 in reply to 199514.1
Date: 1/20/2012 4:51:26 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Weekly salary: $ 86 051
Role: key player

DMI: 527000
Age: 29
Height: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potential: hall of famer
Game Shape: strong

Jump Shot: colossal ↑ Jump Range: tremendous ↑
Outside Def.: prodigious Handling: wondrous
Driving: stupendous Passing: strong
Inside Shot: inept Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: average Free Throw: proficient

Experience: proficient

lol, peņžuks dabuja double popup :D

nav jau tik vecs kā te 2 sezonas atpakaļ, kad 1 mans ilggadējais komandas spēlētājs 41-42 gados dabū popup, bet nu double tādā vecumā... :D
žēļ ka sezonas beigās uzleca, drīz prasīs lielu piķi :(

From: Tucis

This Post:
199514.89 in reply to 199514.88
Date: 1/20/2012 4:56:55 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
29 gadi pie tās potences vēl nav tik traki :)

un algā pa 10k vairāk diez vai būs klāt... tā, ka nav jau tik traki vēl. bloki baigi glābj situāciju..

From: wertol
This Post:
199514.90 in reply to 199514.1
Date: 1/20/2012 4:22:14 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ja kads grib uzspelet PL, rakstiet! Sakam 27.janvari, finals 17.marta

From: satan666

This Post:
199514.91 in reply to 199514.90
Date: 1/21/2012 11:54:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Sveiki visi.Esmu jauniņais!:)

From: Tucis

This Post:
199514.92 in reply to 199514.91
Date: 1/21/2012 1:02:53 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
ļoti labi, ka atzīmējies diskusijās. tagad ir iespēja, ka mēs pa visiem tevi pareizajās sliedēs iebīdīsim :D

From: satan666

This Post:
199514.93 in reply to 199514.92
Date: 1/21/2012 3:07:23 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
haha.:)Iesakiet,ko man iesākumam darīt??
