Cue: opening montage is of full throttle action on both sides of the ball, along with the full range of emotions that goes into it all!
Announcer: tonight two teams will take one more step towards a title while three others look to gain their salvation with three more looking to fight another day.
In the battles for survival.
The general's hope to build on the momentum of a strong second half in game one but the chunks will have other ideas with the action returning to their friendly confines.
Deronimo looks to hold a serious upper hand over hackers but there is no telling what a change of venue could cause to occur.
And the brewskies are hoping that the two starters dealt a case of dysentery on Tuesday will find a way to get back into action. But with neutrons ownership currently incommunicado the brewskies at least have a leg up on knowing what's coming their way.
But that's the appetizers, now let's look at the main courses.
2 took a tumble with a stalwart being lost for Saturday, now let's see if the Mavs are prepared to finish .
And the bunnies are hoping that stormz is not about to go all fatal attraction on them.
Sybil will have her say. Alfred's Angle and Lee's Way are forthcoming. We will take a look at these strange stomach ailments which have become a buzzerbeater epidemic. So do your best to keep it all down as that and lots more is in store as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 4/26/2019 11:12:33 PM