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Injuries (and i am really pissed)

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From: yodabig

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178443.84 in reply to 178443.82
Date: 4/21/2011 8:39:12 PM
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This may be the most stupid question ever...but how do you download and watch them? My computer doesn't recognise that file type.

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178443.86 in reply to 178443.72
Date: 4/22/2011 3:43:29 AM
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For each position I had 3 players, who where all capable of starting important games. Besides that, players for other positions, where capable of playing second and even third positions. So even if 3 players of the same position where out the same time, I still could field ea decent team.

It's all about building a balanced team, with enough players. It's not just good for injuries, it also helps with tactics.

We are 50.000 users on the game, so 50.000 deferent ways of thinking. I didnt saw any team to be very successful with what you are suggest. Great players win the games, and since we are talking talking about the NBA too, just look the Denver. They have the greatest dept in the NBA after Melo trade, they won a lot on the regular season, but they luck the go to guy, and on the PO are strangling.

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178443.87 in reply to 178443.86
Date: 4/22/2011 8:30:05 AM
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Just wanted to chime in. Before my scrimmage yesterday, I signed a doctor. Ironically, 1 of my best players got injured for 2 weeks, in the 1st 4 mins of the game last night.

So yeah, I think injuries are linked to doctors.

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178443.89 in reply to 178443.81
Date: 4/22/2011 11:28:59 AM
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On this site you can watch games live. I have not gotton any viriouses. you might have to downlode players....

I suggest clicking on the other links button, becuase then you dont have to download anything.

you can also watch soccer and other sports on it.

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178443.90 in reply to 178443.4
Date: 4/23/2011 8:46:36 PM
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haha that sucks. my best player keeps getting injured :(

This Post:
178443.91 in reply to 178443.4
Date: 4/23/2011 8:46:37 PM
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haha that sucks. my best player keeps getting injured :(

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178443.92 in reply to 178443.91
Date: 4/24/2011 5:38:18 AM
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The same happened on my last PL game when i was 10 points ahead...

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178443.93 in reply to 178443.92
Date: 4/26/2011 6:12:20 PM
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That really sucks. Did you win the game?

This Post:
178443.94 in reply to 178443.93
Date: 4/26/2011 9:51:50 PM
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