Cue: opening montage features the looks of various players with their 1000 yard stare transitioning into some game action shots.
Announcer: Tonight two teams take one more step towards moving up. While two teams have one final chance to avoid going down.
Our championship series features one team everyone expected to be here in stormz with one modest surprise in mavs making a breakthrough. The Mavs took advantage of 2 being short handed to get here, tonight they are afforded the same advantage.
Cue: with one team preparing to move up one more must steel themselves for the prospect of moving down. For the third straight season the general's find themselves in such a predicament. Greensboro took the first fall by 17 in a game much closer than the score would indicate. The chunks crushed it in game 2 crusing by 14 in a contest no where near that close. Now tonight the loyalist make their way to the venerable coliseum to see if their heroes can once avoid being kicked off the island.
Sybil will have her say. Alfred and Lee are also on the way to give their opinions on this evening's proceedings. And we will take a look at where various clubs who will be back next season could be heading. All that and more is in store as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 4/30/2019 8:54:00 AM