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Is BB dying a slow death? (thread closed)

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260959.861 in reply to 260959.857
Date: 8/17/2015 10:07:07 AM
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Currently as it is, seeing our players popping up each 2-3 weeks is a bit saddening and increases the perception of slowness of the game.

Currently as it is, seeing our players popping up each 2-3 weeks would be a miracle, dancing in the streets.

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260959.864 in reply to 260959.863
Date: 8/17/2015 3:26:25 PM
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You're correct, but:
- I'm saying the chart doesn't have to be exact and I'd like to see someone gauging the exact sublevel from a chart
- I'm not suggesting that you show a green brick after a pop, therefore it would never show exact sublevels anyway, but it would be more like a guideline

As an example let's say your guy is really at 6.7 in a skill, but you only see 6='average'. You train something which from the USA offsite data gathering trains at 0.6 speed (just the main skill). You will definitely see a pop and you get your red brick, nothing changes compared to now. Then you train again next week still at 0.6 speed, but there is no pop. Now, instead of nothing, you get a green brick of roughly 0.6 (more or less, it does not have to be precise).

At this stage he person who knows nothing about training speed looks at the chart and can understand that he needs another week of training to get a pop because the green bar will look roughly at 50%-60% of the level 8 brick. The expert manager who knows his stuff doesn't need green bars and he knows that the guy can be anywhere between 7.6-7.99 if it's the first time he trains that skill. However if the expert manager has trained the skill before and has the knowledge that the original level was 6.6-6.99, he will know that the current level, after 2 training sessions, is 7.8-7.99, while the green bar will still show 50%-60% of the next level.

I don't know if my explanation is clear. This graphic tool is not intended to show the exact sublevels but to give an idea of the maximum number of weeks you need to train that skill in order to get the next pop. It would obviously only visible to the manager and reset along with the training history when a player changes hands.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 8/17/2015 3:30:21 PM

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260959.865 in reply to 260959.857
Date: 8/17/2015 8:04:19 PM
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Sublevels are visible on, and it feels much more robotic than here. I like the current system, where you can estimate pops, but can still get surprised with an early pop(or frustrated with a late one lol). Cross training also gives more mystery to exact player skills.

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260959.866 in reply to 260959.864
Date: 8/17/2015 9:07:07 PM
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I like your suggestions.

Since the devs don't like to show sublevels and stuff, maybe we can just simplify it, like seeing a green dot when a skill received a substantial increase in its sublevel, i.e. when training passing we see the green dot in passing but not in handling, or when training pressure we see the increase in OD but not the minuscule increase in ID. That way there's still a sense of mistery, a sense of progress and the reassurance that calculations are being made.

I rather have a green-yellow-red dot system given the amount of increase , that way we can see when is futile to keep training a player for weeks without expecting results. This, however, to the devs can be seen as far fetched. Still, with the single green dot system if we don't see it we can start assuming to stop training that skill or player.

Last edited by Koga Shuko at 8/17/2015 9:14:02 PM

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260959.867 in reply to 260959.865
Date: 8/17/2015 9:13:10 PM
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Maybe, but in every game there is you get to have a "sense" of progress. The popularity of the app games is due to the quickly progress you can make in a couple of hours, that's the hook that grabs you to keep on going and continue to log on for days and even buy the stuff they offer. In this game weeks can pass and nothing.

Let's also consider small leagues, in both our countries we have few players, and the game becomes rather dull after awhile if we don't have something to shoot for. Training players and seeing them grow towards a skill is one of those things that can keep a manager to keep on going.

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260959.868 in reply to 260959.867
Date: 8/21/2015 9:15:44 PM
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One thing that I've love to see - but that I would imagine would be very hard to regulate and work into the game environment - is the ability to loan players to another team.

You could curb abuse by limiting the # of players you could loan at any one time to 1-3.

But I think it would create a very interesting dynamic that would boost team interaction (imagine loaning a player to somebody only to see that, that player isn't getting the minutes / training you wanted him to), and allow for teams to focus on a few skill areas to train at any given time.

Just a thought...

From: Hipi

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260959.870 in reply to 260959.869
Date: 8/26/2015 11:41:48 AM
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So much cheating in this game is main reason that this game have less and less players.
And is worse and worse day by day.

Reporting cheaters doesn't have sense at all because nobody are banned.
