I like your suggestions.
Since the devs don't like to show sublevels and stuff, maybe we can just simplify it, like seeing a green dot when a skill received a substantial increase in its sublevel, i.e. when training passing we see the green dot in passing but not in handling, or when training pressure we see the increase in OD but not the minuscule increase in ID. That way there's still a sense of mistery, a sense of progress and the reassurance that calculations are being made.
I rather have a green-yellow-red dot system given the amount of increase , that way we can see when is futile to keep training a player for weeks without expecting results. This, however, to the devs can be seen as far fetched. Still, with the single green dot system if we don't see it we can start assuming to stop training that skill or player.
Last edited by Koga Shuko at 8/17/2015 9:14:02 PM