With such a disappointing season, full of injuries that messy it all
I decide to pull out some stats
Interesting to find out that Turnover vs player driving is quite fuzzy, but tend to increase with Dr (which make sense)
No correlation with Passing ¿?
Weak but positive correlation with handling ?¿
Ergo, the more trained in Handling and passing more turnovers your player will have !
Sound weird! anybody confirming such relationship?
That's definitely interesting.
My opinion is that if there is a positive correlation, it's probably more along the lines of something like: "players with greater handling tend to have the ball more, thus have more opportunities for turnovers". I also think, with absolutely no factual analysis to confirm it, is that it is far better to have everyone on the court be "good" at handling and passing rather than having a few guys being great and anyone else relatively weak in those skills.
Of course, weak can be relative here, since the weakest of my 9 man core in those areas has 11 handling and 7 passing and will, on occasion, have 5 or 6 TO games. But the case for the balance in those fields is that I routinely have the fewest turnovers in the league, usually around 8 per game on average, despite really only having one guy above 11 passing.