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BB România > intrebari 2

intrebari 2 (thread closed)

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111211.872 in reply to 111211.871
Date: 5/13/2011 6:14:25 AM
BV Pistons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BV Pistons II
Da, din pacate ai dreptate. Daca nu ma insel, saptamana trecuta a fost totul la timp, dar cu o saptamana inainte, iar am avut intarzieri. Sa speram ca problema se remediaza rapid.

From: Azrail

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111211.873 in reply to 111211.872
Date: 5/13/2011 6:28:34 AM
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Mde, aceeasi problema ca si 2 saptamini in urma...deja devinde iritant.

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111211.875 in reply to 111211.874
Date: 5/13/2011 8:02:28 AM
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dap...cum se spune in rusa: nici macar jumate de an nu a trecut :-D

This Post:
111211.876 in reply to 111211.875
Date: 5/13/2011 11:10:23 AM
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Role: draws a paycheck
am asa la toti jucatorii. doar eu?:) care e faza?

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111211.878 in reply to 111211.877
Date: 5/13/2011 4:40:22 PM
BV Pistons
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BV Pistons II
Daca observati, rolul tuturor jucatorilor este acum la intuil, deoarece a fost resetat de curand pentru toata lumea. Acesta va creste sau va scadea de acum. Tineti minte, cel putin pana in prezent, acest rol in echipa a unui jucator este ceva pur estetic.

Last edited by GM-Remus at 5/13/2011 5:27:18 PM

This Post:
111211.880 in reply to 111211.879
Date: 5/13/2011 5:26:49 PM
BV Pistons
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Second Team:
BV Pistons II
Ha ha, ai dreptate, eu am gandit-o in engleza) Hai ca schimb

This Post:
111211.881 in reply to 111211.880
Date: 5/14/2011 6:18:35 AM
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totusi nu inteleg ce au vrut sa faca baietii din BB cu chestia asta. Adica, rolul jucatorului il poti deduce extrem de usor fiind strans legat(parerea mea) de game shape si DMI. Sa vedem cum evolueaza:) a avut cineva rol mai mare de "key player"? este asa ceva?

This Post:
111211.882 in reply to 111211.881
Date: 5/14/2011 6:48:44 AM
BV Pistons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BV Pistons II
Nu, ai dreptate, cel mai mare rol este "key player", 6. Cat despre rolul jucatorului fiind dedus de gameshape si DMI, ambele se schimba de la saptamana, in timp ce acest rol, ma gandesc, e mai stabil.

totusi nu inteleg ce au vrut sa faca baietii din BB cu chestia asta.

Raspunsul lui BB-Charles de acum un sezon, cand a fost implementat acest sistem:
The idea is to identify how the players are being used in league games this season. They're being identified as rotation players (or whatever else) based upon their usage this season in league games. It's not a description of their skills; if you have a very skilled player who isn't playing, he'll have a role corresponding to his lack of playing time.
