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Is BB dying a slow death? (thread closed)

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From: Superheld

To: RiP
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260959.875 in reply to 260959.874
Date: 9/9/2015 5:56:08 AM
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Second Team:
TV Harheim
I am also around for quite some time now (7.5 years) and I wish I could get back the times when daytrading was profitable. Not that I really took part in it, but at least there was a constant supply of players at the market.

Right now the transfer market only seems to work reasonably during the offseason. All the other weeks its pure frustration.

However, I don't think that's a major driver in the ever decreasing number of active players. I guess its just normal that some people get bored with the game over time - whats missing is a constant stream of new players.

Maybe due to the lack of an App (I know the website works fairly well on mobile phones)?

Last edited by Superheld at 9/9/2015 6:01:29 AM

This Post:
260959.876 in reply to 260959.875
Date: 9/9/2015 1:56:50 PM
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I wouldn't mind if they just duplicate all players or something, so we have what something to buy. I've seen plenty of awfully trained players being sold for 2 million plus, that's not normal.

I'm not sure if it was discussed, but how long till we drop below 20k?

This Post:
260959.878 in reply to 260959.876
Date: 9/9/2015 6:45:10 PM
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I believe Marin said somewhere that he thinks the game can still go on at around 18,000/19,000, although if anyone knows exactly what he said I am happy to be corrected?

At the rate its going it will only be 2/3 seasons before it reaches that kind of level and Marin has to start thinking about whether it is worth continuing to run Buzzerbeater.

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260959.879 in reply to 260959.878
Date: 9/10/2015 12:49:24 AM
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I believed quite a lot in the second team option, but it seems that it was a huge mistake. If they can correct it, they should. I remember hearing the same thing but with 17k, i don't have the source nor the author of the statement. Anyway, Marin is just the main developer, I don't think he has managerial decisions in his hands. I believe they will fix it eventually.

At this point, every season they should like create and insert random players into the TL. I'm not talking about all-time greats, but for instance maybe insert 25-50 allstar potential with salaries around 10-40k every 2-3 weeks until it's stabilized or until forever why not. Make them free agents and that's that. I mean, this way they will not be overpriced anymore, and guys who train will still have the better players. Any down side on this, guys?

This Post:
260959.880 in reply to 260959.879
Date: 9/10/2015 11:04:36 AM
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At this point, every season they should like create and insert random players into the TL. I'm not talking about all-time greats, but for instance maybe insert 25-50 allstar potential with salaries around 10-40k every 2-3 weeks until it's stabilized or until forever why not. Make them free agents and that's that. I mean, this way they will not be overpriced anymore, and guys who train will still have the better players. Any down side on this, guys?

I've always thought they should kill two birds with one stone and modify the draft so that you can have some guys that are decently-rounded but capped older players up to like age 23, so if you're a team that's not looking to do any training you can still hopefully find a backup guard or forward with a ~15-20k salary in the draft. Right now the draft is essentially just the bottom few teams investing points hoping to find an 18 5/5 to either sell for huge profit or train as they demote, and everyone else not spending any scouting points because there's no incentive to do so.

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260959.882 in reply to 260959.880
Date: 9/10/2015 5:43:21 PM
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Sounds extreme but I think as they did for 19yo so they might do 20yo. However we all know the fundamental problem in this respect is training and we're all trying to think about solutions. Ultimately a higher number of draftees or better quality or other changes might all help, but you would just need to modify training one way or another and all of them would really be reduntant.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/10/2015 5:44:20 PM

This Post:
260959.883 in reply to 260959.882
Date: 9/14/2015 11:48:17 AM
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I love bb, but a lot of people don't have the patience to start all the way from the bottom. Personally I like the challenge but most people don't. Also buzzerbeater needs more advertising and also an app.
