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From: Isaiah

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155264.88 in reply to 155264.87
Date: 10/16/2010 12:36:15 AM
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Second Team:
Smallfries II
I have noticed that my trainee that i drafted last year started with atrocious experience and after the cup game last night he is now at pitiful. Interestingly enough he was the best player in the game. Also to add to that the other team had a better overall team then i had. I won the game on the road and my player, Dean Dunne, played 45 minutes and had 21 points 7 assists and 5 rebounds. His best game ever in an important game. All combined he only had roughly 500 minutes played in his career to get a pop in the experience.

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155264.89 in reply to 155264.88
Date: 10/16/2010 12:46:44 AM
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Experience pops aren't reliable for draftees because they could have started with any sublevel from 2.99999999999 and lower.

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155264.92 in reply to 155264.90
Date: 10/18/2010 4:34:27 PM
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and boost it performance at the end of the games.

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155264.94 in reply to 155264.7
Date: 10/25/2010 6:02:58 PM
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No i thnik expierence is just like another stat(exept it takes a long time to pop) i got a rookie fresh from the draft with Pitiful exp(he was 19)

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155264.95 in reply to 155264.89
Date: 10/26/2010 2:40:39 AM
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My PF A. Llach just Popped to average from mediocre. It took 1881 minutes total. It was something like 1307 league minutes, 227 cup minutes, and 75 playoff minutes and 269 scrimmage minutes..
I had another player last season pop to mediocre from inept, that pop took arond 1700 minutes....It seems the higher the experience, the more time till the next pop..

This Post:
155264.96 in reply to 155264.95
Date: 10/26/2010 12:06:09 PM
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It seems the higher the experience, the more time till the next pop..

Or as mentioned above, it has less to do with time and more to do with who you are playing and what the player does in the game.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
This Post:
155264.97 in reply to 155264.96
Date: 10/26/2010 6:21:58 PM
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You have been playing this game for a long time. Do you really think that it is who you are playing or what a player does in a game? 1st. That would take way too much code. 2nd. It would give an unfair advantage to teams in the top divisions. Each game has a set rate at which it counts experience. Higher for league games and rival games and less for scrimmages and so on.

This Post:
155264.98 in reply to 155264.97
Date: 10/26/2010 7:57:40 PM
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Each game has a set rate at which it counts experience. Higher for league games and rival games and less for scrimmages and so on.

I am less and less sure of this. When Joseph Ka posted this: (155264.81) I started to have my doubts. I mean, I should have trusted Jason to begin with, he is inexperienced but somehow wise beyond his playing time (sorry I doubted you originally, Jason).

Last edited by HeadPaperPusher at 10/26/2010 7:57:55 PM

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager