It seeems that everyone is caring about what he likes and not about what can be appreciated by a new player. But without new players the game will die.
B.R.A.V.O., a thousand, a million times this. I would recommend this comment every 12 hours for a year if I could.
The game honestly lacks a long term vision and plan. Most of the changes just happen in a very slow fashion, way too late and much after the damage (to the long term stability of the game) has been done. It's patently obvious that you can't satisfy everyone playing this game all the time, but you do need a plan going forward, right or wrong, you also need to be proactive and steer the game on the path you want it to be, you can't just keep reacting to problems 10 seasons after they become evident.
It would help to know where the people in charge see this game going 2 and 5 years down the line and I'm not talking about freaking LI dominance or day trading or whatever, but the long term plan. Do we want to appeal more people so that we can keep the national flavour which I think is the only thing saving a total collapse in user numbers at the moment (but which is also meaningless in many countries)? Do we need to make the game slightly easier in some aspects (to be discussed which ones) especially for new managers so that user retention increases? Any plans to add features which would add to expert managers' enjoyment of the game and avoid burning out (I think the national flavour is really one, but we need more)? Any plans to encourage user interaction/involvement through new features or the plan is to leave everything to the goodwill of members of the community as it is now (like Jokeru above, or Homer etc etc)?
Again what is the medium-long term vision?
Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/16/2015 2:02:54 PM