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Is BB dying a slow death? (thread closed)

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260959.891 in reply to 260959.890
Date: 9/15/2015 11:20:17 PM
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...studying well built teams in div II (example)...

Not wanting to hijack the thread, but you cannot see other rosters, can you? I mean the skills of the players. Nor staff. So what is left to study?

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260959.894 in reply to 260959.881
Date: 9/16/2015 5:56:36 AM
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Utopia was a mistake.
Day trading restriction was a mistake.
FA restriction was a mistake.
Even the choosing league where to start option is a mistake.
No surprise if the game's users number is always decreasing.
How long should we wait to see someone take some decision to let the game be attractive again?

most from ur points r forced from the community!!

my "Watson App" tells me that Wolph/ Trainerman( =Community/ ur "Speaker") is trying to destroyin BB from inside...we r all lost!!


From: Lemonshine

To: aber
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260959.895 in reply to 260959.889
Date: 9/16/2015 1:45:18 PM
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It seeems that everyone is caring about what he likes and not about what can be appreciated by a new player. But without new players the game will die.
B.R.A.V.O., a thousand, a million times this. I would recommend this comment every 12 hours for a year if I could.

The game honestly lacks a long term vision and plan. Most of the changes just happen in a very slow fashion, way too late and much after the damage (to the long term stability of the game) has been done. It's patently obvious that you can't satisfy everyone playing this game all the time, but you do need a plan going forward, right or wrong, you also need to be proactive and steer the game on the path you want it to be, you can't just keep reacting to problems 10 seasons after they become evident.

It would help to know where the people in charge see this game going 2 and 5 years down the line and I'm not talking about freaking LI dominance or day trading or whatever, but the long term plan. Do we want to appeal more people so that we can keep the national flavour which I think is the only thing saving a total collapse in user numbers at the moment (but which is also meaningless in many countries)? Do we need to make the game slightly easier in some aspects (to be discussed which ones) especially for new managers so that user retention increases? Any plans to add features which would add to expert managers' enjoyment of the game and avoid burning out (I think the national flavour is really one, but we need more)? Any plans to encourage user interaction/involvement through new features or the plan is to leave everything to the goodwill of members of the community as it is now (like Jokeru above, or Homer etc etc)?

Again what is the medium-long term vision?

Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/16/2015 2:02:54 PM

This Post:
260959.896 in reply to 260959.895
Date: 9/16/2015 7:21:28 PM
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I'm a big defender of the game and the developers and I really do believe that everything is being done to run the game smoothly whilst making as many realistic, and necessary, changes as possible. We should all enjoy it while its here!!

However in terms of 'vision' and plans, it really doesn't seem like there is one. I think the game really is just being run until there are too few managers for it to be viable...

The changes needed to increase or even sustain the user base at this point, including an app and a massive overhaul of the game itself, are just unrealistic.

This Post:
260959.897 in reply to 260959.896
Date: 9/16/2015 8:00:36 PM
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I think the best solution for retaining new users would be a better game manual.

How many people actually read through it?

We need something layered, where the basic info would be short and easy to follow, then add more in-depth explanations, then eventually all the rules and systems.

This Post:
260959.898 in reply to 260959.897
Date: 9/16/2015 8:15:02 PM
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Completing tasks to obtain the 'license' in Hattrick does give rewards doesn't it? I did that a long time ago so I don't remember very well, but I think you're required to take certain steps in order to complete it. It's also more interactive than reading a long manual, as it requires you to "do" stuff and see first hand how it works.

I think something like that could be implemented and the devs only need tovbuild the interface, the actual text and even the tasks to be carried out could be designed by a group of GMs/Managers and then translated.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/16/2015 8:34:00 PM

This Post:
260959.899 in reply to 260959.896
Date: 9/16/2015 8:33:02 PM
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That's a pretty grim situation then...we are indeed doomed and heading towards a slow death as the thread says.

To be fair a lot of things can be improved without touching the GE, which, we all agree, is a beast in its own right and at this point there is not enough workforce to contemplate serious changes there.

It's really simple though: think about getting new users and getting them to stay in the game or the numbers will drop further and it will kill the game. At that point, nobody from the current userbase, not even the guys who want the game to be ultra-hard and hyper-complicated or those who think it's fine as it is will keep playing :S. This is similar to what happened in micronations already...

And if the plan is to let it die, then why not sell it to someone else? It would much so much sense.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/16/2015 8:34:31 PM

From: Knecht
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260959.900 in reply to 260959.899
Date: 9/17/2015 3:35:10 AM
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The changes needed to increase or even sustain the user base at this point, including an app and a massive overhaul of the game itself, are just unrealistic.

Pretty much this. EDIT: Getting rid of a few annoying "features" would be a good start tho.

And if the plan is to let it die, then why not sell it to someone else? It would much so much sense.

Who would touch a rotting corpse at this point? The cow has been milked - probably there is not much money to be made. Plus as far as my understanding is, the game is built with software (databases, flash etc) that soon will be (or already are) outdated and obsolete. Increasing performance issues with the smallest userbase ever, are really bad signs - the site should perform better and faster than ever one should think.

So after all it would probably be the best idea to build sthg. from scratch, which - in this super competitive and fast paced environment of free online games and such a small niche - might not be the best idea.

Last edited by Knecht at 9/17/2015 3:36:52 AM

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
This Post:
260959.901 in reply to 260959.900
Date: 9/17/2015 6:34:27 AM
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So what's the point of playing anymore if you guys don't see this going anywhere long term. Might as well quit now and find something else to do with your time instead of wasting it on building your team/trainees/whatever for the future.

Personally I would like to know if the owners/devs share your opinion and Blur's.
