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New Site: Mibbit Chat

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108558.9 in reply to 108558.8
Date: 3/1/2010 6:18:05 AM
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Second Team:
Thanks for going to such lenghts to test the issue. Don't hesitate to continue, finding the reason is essential in the fixing process.

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108558.10 in reply to 108558.9
Date: 3/1/2010 10:24:49 AM
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Thanks, I understand that it is a rather complicated issue. It feels a little bit like searching for a needle in a haystack.

If I come up with any better lead in the future, I'll let you know.

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108558.11 in reply to 108558.10
Date: 3/1/2010 6:20:46 PM
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108558.12 in reply to 108558.10
Date: 3/10/2010 4:28:29 PM
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I have good news and bad news. The good news is that, you have nothing to worry about when the server says that your nickname is already in use. What happens is that the connection between your computer and the IRC server was lost. In most cases it happens because the wireless was out for a while (not enough for it to give an error between modem and computer but enough to not let some data through) or the same with a cable network (though, this happens way less often... but it happens). So, what happens is that, obviously, your script (in this case Mibbit) detects the loss in connection first and takes immediate action by trying to reconnect to the server. But the server is a bit more patient and awaits longer for a response from the user, so, it will still be using that nickname when you reconnect. Eventually, he will realize that you're not there and he will drop the nickname. When he does that (by giving the quit message "Ping Timeout"), you'll have absolutely no problems in using it again.

The bad news is that I have absolutely no idea what's up with the "Connection failed (Max clones reached for your IP)" message. Making the assumption that you didn't connected to the chat more than once (that is, opened more than 1 game tab... cause if you did, that's most likely the problem), I'll try to get deeper into it. Though, Mibbit is not the most intelligently written script I've ever seen. So, I would advise you to check this thread (127209.2) and see if it still happens with a decent script. Let me know how that works out.

Last edited by the L train at 3/10/2010 4:45:10 PM

This Post:
108558.13 in reply to 108558.12
Date: 3/11/2010 12:39:33 AM
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Thanks, the "connection failed" happens when I try to reconnect, so my old connection is probably still active even though I was thrown out....

I'll try that 100-step-or-something-like-that-installation in the future.