I guess creating a draft in the beginning of the season gives a good chance for a league full of friends to trade info.
I think that the problem could be bypassed keeping the players in the list not identified. The same player should have different position in different teams' list. Imagine I've scouted twice the player no. 7 of my draft list: I couldn't pass the informations to my two friends simply because the player in position 7 of their list is a different one.
and we already have this and it works pretty much well...
I would go for draft system change into every week scouting system as that would make more sense and would be more useful...
As I wanna scout more then one time just small players (I just do`nt need big ones)...
Getting some info after each week scouting:
1st time age, height and position,
2nd potential and rating balls with mark,
3rd three skils:
RB/ID/IDorOD/OD/PA (C/PF/SF/SG/PG)+JS+JR/IS (PG/SG--SF/PF/C)using 4 scouts system as we have know.
1st would need just one scout to get info
2nd visit could be done just by using 2 scouts on one exact player that week
3rd visit could be done just by using all 4 scouts on one exact player that week
Last edited by ZyZla at 2/10/2010 10:35:40 PM
ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=