It also depends on your league postition and the average scouting expenses in your league, but I prefer to think that usually Im able to get 1 such player like that at most. See a past drafts in your league and you can figure out how many MVPs which could be for something, are really in there. Im used to see that if I have high expectations, I get usually the same like when I invest the "reasonable" volume of money.
I spend in 12 weeks like 180k for 30 points (10k-20k investments). Which is by 300k less than you do. While during such investment I will miss just potential of some 18y/height players, while if I would invest more, there is still no insurance in that other team will not pick my best scouted player. Then it really hurts. For that 300k (which I usually miss in bidwar) I can buy a player which will win some games and pay for himself, while the best way for a payback in draft is to have a lucky guess.