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From: B.B.King

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191728.9 in reply to 191728.8
Date: 7/28/2011 5:24:26 PM
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I was scout of 18yo players in Poland for many years. And I think that players with best position SF after draft are in average worse than other players. The best candidates for SF have best position as PF.
I think reason is here that in formula of salary SF has only 5 skills (impact of 5 other skills is 0 or very low). And JS for SF is the most expensive skill in BB. And therefore I saw many SFs with many "black holes". Very ofthen they have only high JS and RB, a little JR, OD or ID and other skills = 1-3.
And one more thing. If player have all 10 skills on the same level his best position is PF, not SF.

From: Hadron

This Post:
191728.10 in reply to 191728.9
Date: 7/28/2011 11:49:19 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
:D SFs with black holes. Nice.

I don't know if the best SFs are PFs, seems a lot of teams play an SG type player at SF, especially if they play outside oriented offence. But that's a different matter.

All that jazz aside, it'd be nice if this game got more realistic in simple ways.

From: B.B.King

This Post:
191728.11 in reply to 191728.10
Date: 7/29/2011 6:25:49 AM
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:D SFs with black holes. Nice.

It's effect of salary formula. But as I said before best position doesn't matter. And my tip is: never look at best position ;-)

First example:
JS, JR, OD, ID, RB = 7
HN, DV, PS, IS, BS = 1

sum of 10 basic skills = 40
best position = SF
salary = 6260

Second example:
All skills = 5

sum of 10 basic skills = 50
best position = PF
salary = 2641

Third example:
All skills = 6

sum of 10 basic skills = 60
best position = PF
salary = 4159

(formula of salary from previous season, of course by Josef Ka).

This Post:
191728.12 in reply to 191728.11
Date: 7/29/2011 6:34:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
even when i would say your example player one is probadly the best at SF, but like you mentioned before they are often shooting guards without OD.

From: Hadron

This Post:
191728.13 in reply to 191728.11
Date: 7/29/2011 9:41:05 AM
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You missed the point entirely. :)