The song you speak of is in fact Big John by Jimmy Dean. Yes, the same Jimmy Dean that made the sausage.
The song Big John was supposably at least part true about a man that everyone thought was a terrible, mean person, who gave his life to save the miners that were trapped.
If you're going to listen to that song, you've got to listen to part two to the same song. I think part two is called Cajun Queen. It's the story about Big John's woman from New Orleans hearing about him being buried in the mines, so she comes to town and goes down to rescue him from the mines. And when she gets there, she finds him alive. To find the exact name of part two to the song, you'll have to google that, too, most likely. But I think it's called Cajun Queen.
Since we bring this up about Big John being trapped in the mines and instead of them going in to rescue him, they just fill in the entry to the mines and bury him in there. You would not believe how common that is, for them to believe there are people maybe alive underground but there is no way to get to them, so they fill in the entry to the mines and leave them under there to die. It may sound like 1920's stuff, it's not, it still happens today. The most famous one I remember was maybe 25 years ago, there were 37 miners trapped (nobody knows if they were dead or alive), but while trying to get them more and more rock falls were killing the rescuers, so they decided it was too dangerous to keep going, and that the men were probably dead, so they just filled in the mines and left them there. It was later proven to be a fact that the 37 were probably alive when they filled in the entry to the mines.
While it is a dangerous job, really, more people are killed in car accidents on the way to work in the mines each year than they are killed in the mines. I worked underground for a few years, and I never saw an injury that brought blood. I think we had a broken finger or hand one time, but the man never missed one minute of work. But on my final day of work underground, about a mile away another mines had an explosion, and when they brought the bodies out, they brought them out an arm here, a leg there, and there were some bodies that they only found small pieces of. That's the day my momma stopped allowing me to go to work even though I was 22 years old :)