I think instead the true cause of his "not making money" may be:
1. Gameday - receive revenue
2. take that revenue, buy more arena seats
3. Weekly update, why i no haz money?1!?!1
Well, that and a stretch of a lot of road games right now.
Yeah, the stupid non-native speaker I am, I made a sloppy statement. Even if I made more per week I would haz no money after the weekly update, because I use all availiable funds to build my arena. Difference is I would "lose" one season less until my team became somewhat good enough to win games.
The question nobody in this thread could answer so far is: why do established teams need to be protected from new teams catching up?
If I was a unexperienced manager, getting blown out by a regular treadmill team in my league that has recently bought a player for 700k (would need a whole season to save that much money without expanding the arena) - what would I think? kkthxbye, I am going nowhere in this game, no sense sticking around - lets play sthg else.
Thats why the new player retention in small countries is close to zero. Was for years now, and will be forever if the enthusiasm among developers to change the system remains non-existant.
Don't worry about me, I'll get there eventually - status quo sucks for those who get discoured and quit and for those at the top losing interest because nobody can challenge them. (just imagine how long I have to save money at this pace to buy a top tier SF

See you again in 2016!)
Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular