I welcome the Overextension Tax (OT) since I think this could be a game changer for the managerial team model. You can still argue if this change will have a bigger real impact when we introduce other factors, like the actually different BuzzerBeater game low-numer-of-teams countries and high-number-of-teams countries are playing.
But, overall, I think the OT is great. Maybe a little raw yet, but on paper looks impressive. Now, I have three ideas about it, maybe they could be debated and relayed to the GMs or BBs for future changes. Here they are:
Since the OT now makes the draft really really meaninful and valuable to ALL [some of us managers didn't need OT to know that and to build from draftees, whether national of international], I would suggest:
1.- Redesign the Draft Points system of price to make it a little cheaper: you see, regularly up until now, you basically invest little in draft, until you accumulate enough points; regularly, you had little financial room to just generate 4pts/$40000 every week of every season. but now, with a model going strong on teams-built-on-draftees, these will be hard to get. Plus draftees will go crazy in the TL. So, make cheaper the Draft Points.
2.- Redesing/Adjust the Trainer scale of salary: trainers with the same level have a more expensive salary than market-doctor staff. Perhaps get them to start lower, like doctors, or progress with slower rates than the others. Or even consider [not a fan of this, but could be] to just count a percentage of the trainer salary against the OT calculation.
3.- Besides from forcing a manager to pay at least 1 week salary off players bought from the TL just for a big game or playoff, also consider raising the tax fee from transactions and adjust its weekly progression [right now, at week 1 from the acquisition, it's at 79%]. This way, if a manager spent some big bucks on a one-and-done player, you make his immediate resell even tougher on his economy. You won't eliminate this type of poisonous manager, but at least you make his cycle of buy-sell a lot tougher.