Yalin Bugdaydrafted by GFB, immediately moved to RealMaden-SK (S18-S21)
S18 Turkish 2nd league
S19-S20 Turkish 3nd league
S21 Turkish 2nd league
get botted in S31
moved to 篮球队 (S21-S25)
S21-S24 Chinese 4th league
S25 Chinese 3rd league
now plays in Chinese 4th league
moved to 孟菲斯-快船 (S25)
S25 Chinese 4th league
now plays in Chinese 4th league
moved to Foo-hoop fighters (S26-S31)
S26-S31 Albanian top league
get botted in S31
moved to Mloty Stargard (S31-S32)
SUPERLIGOTAplaying in Polish top league since S7
Bogdan Wasztyldrafted by wizard duck (S17-S19)
S17-S18 Polish 4th league
S19 Polish 5th league
get botted in S19
moved to Boro Team (S19-S25)
S19 Polish 2nd league
S20-S22 Polish 3rd league
S23 Polish 2nd league
S24 Polish top league
S25 Polish 2nd league
get botted in S28
Branko Selestrindrafted by Podgorje Rulles (S16)
S16 Croatian 3rd league, now plays in 2nd league
moved to KK Noa Zagreb (S16-S24)
S16 Croatian top league
S17 Croatian 2nd league
S18 Croatian 3rd league
S19 Croatian 4th league
S20 Croatian 3rd league
S21-S24 Croatian 2nd league, now plays in Croatian top league
moved to Detroit Basketball (S24-S27)
S24 Croatian 3rd league
S25-S26 Croatian 2nd league
S27 Croatian 3rd league, now plays in Croatian 3rd league
moved to Gineitiskes (S27-S28)
S27-S28 Lithuanian top division, now plays in Lithuanian 4th league
moved to Ezi (S28-S29)
S28-S29 Latvian top division, get botted in S32
moved to ASPK (S30)
S30 Polish top league, stays here until now
moved to kamparindo (S30)
S30 Indonesian top league, stays here until now
moved to Incow SK (S31)
S31 Turkish top league, gets botted in S32
moved to SUPERLIGOTA (S31-S32)
Benedetto Ottanadrafted by Darth-Vader Basket, immediately moved to Wild Squirrels (S18)
S18 Turkish 3rd league, gets botted in S29
moved to Klappse Episode 23 (S18-S21)
S18-S21 German 4th league, now plays in German 4th division
moved to MMustang (S21-S23)
S21-S23 Chinese 2nd league, get botted in S26
moved to super cocodrilos (S23-S25)
S23 Venezuelan 3rd league
S24 Venezuelan 2nd league
S25 Venezuelan 3rd league, get botted in S25
moved to KoF United (S25-S30)
S25-S30 Hong Kong's top league, get botted in S32
Józef Łodejdrafted by Legia Warszawa, immediately moved to Superfreakys (S18-S22)
S18-S19 Canadian 2nd league
S20 Canadian 3rd league
S21-S22 Canadian 2nd league, now plays in Canadian 2nd league
moves to SUPERLIGOTA (S22-S32)
Igor Vasovićdrafted by Martonos Vultures, immediately moved to BC Tachov (S16)
S16 Czech 3rd league, get botted in S25
moved to Navaro (S16-S17)
S16-S17 Serbian 2nd league, now plays in Serbian 2nd league as КК Ђија ИН
moved to Topola Eagles (S17-S26)
S17 Serbian top league
S18 Serbian 2nd league
S19 Serbian 3rd league
S20 Serbian 2nd league
S21 Serbian 3rd league
S22-S23 Serbian 2nd league
S24-S26 Serbian top league, now in Serbian top league
moved to The Last Of Us (S26-S28)
S26-S28 Korean top league, botted in S31
moved to SUPERLIGOTA (S28-S32)
Panayiotis Karayiorgos drafted by B.C. MILTIADES Salonika, immediately moved to Shanghai East big shark (S16-S24)
S16 Chinese 2nd league
S17-S18 Chinese 3rd league
S19-S24 Chinese 2nd league, botted in S25
moved to AlmogaversBC (S25-S26)
S25-S26 Spanish 2nd league, now in Spanish 2nd league
moved to Zaniemysl Basket Team (S26-S28)
S26 Polish 2nd league
S27-S28 Polish top league
moved to SUPERLIGOTA (S28-S32)
What does it mean? How should we interpret this data? I'm going to write some statements in third, final post - I need some rest after finding all this data
Last edited by Siwy at 11/10/2015 5:34:03 PM