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BB România > U21 Sezon 42

U21 Sezon 42 (thread closed)

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From: CMN90

This Post:
293957.10 in reply to 293957.9
Date: 4/23/2018 5:09:31 PM
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Look i didn' took it personal.I gave an argument for what i did that 's all.I played my chance.
Trust me with a win for my team and a lose for yours ,the things would be more interesting.I don;t think i condemned my team to future loses just because i uses ct at the begining.Only the next matches will tell.

I;m sorry but in real life i;m not lost like Homer at all.I don;t give much importance to your jokes ,but it;s not cool to enter on others nations forum and post about stranger coaches and their decisions.

And about jj gillo (u21 scout) those are his words.

> Are you fucking serious? Match of the season on the first game you play?
> Not only you are penalising us, and favouring the next teams that will confront your now useless team... You are also condemning your team to lose also the upcoming (and easily winnable) matches!
> I think you should step back and leave the Romenian JNT guide to a better coach. You simply aren't worth it.

Sincerely i don;t give a damn about penalising italy.We all play our chances.He blamed me for penalasing your team ,and favouring the other team.

I think he is a much better coach than me ,seriously.....

This Post:
293957.13 in reply to 293957.11
Date: 4/24/2018 12:37:55 PM
The Defenders
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Second Team:
The D-fenders

Again I'm sorry for how I reacted, and I didn't want to be disrespectful towards the Romenian community.


first, it is spelled Romanian.

second, Romenian implies Roma community which i am very much sure you are aware of you in your country and the stigma that ti carries.

third, you are asked kindly to get out of this thread. seriously. you are causing so much bad will that nothing can objectively support you and your staff's actions.

nothing you say can bring credibility to your alleged intention to not instigate whatever just took place.
i would say something about fair play and grace in victory, but i'm quite sure your actions will be adequately appreciated by your community when you tally your achievements.

pentru restul;
cine vrea explicatii asupra nuantei si a conotatiei a ce a scris asta aici sa-mi scrie pe privat. mi se pare deplorabil sa vedem astfel de comportament in jocul BB. pe bune. mai bine cu forumuri abandonate decat cu dialog de balta.

urasc chestia asta unde de ai nostri pretind ca cei din afara au ceva cu noi, dar in astfel de momente imi crapa obrazul sa vad ca se incita la dialog intr-o maniera in care pur si simplu nu ii pot apara pe straini. ma jur ca daca nu se mai scria nimic dupa primul post am fi fost cu totii mai castigati.

Astfel, va rog sa nu mai continuati acest dialog fiindca nu e constructiv. daca ei nu pot arata stapanire de sine si bun simt macar noi sa dam dovada de asa ceva si ca suntem peste pseudo sentimentul asta de umilitate.

From: Dacian

This Post:
293957.14 in reply to 293957.10
Date: 5/29/2018 1:21:26 AM
Danube Delta
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Second Team:
Danube Delta Intl.
Vad ca suntem ciuca batailor sezonul acesta.
Ce se intampla ?

From: CMN90

This Post:
293957.16 in reply to 293957.15
Date: 5/30/2018 6:31:01 AM
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Chiar nu e vorba de asa ceva,Eu am aliniat cea mai buna echipa ,luand in calcul si formele.Cel mai bun pivot e accidentat.

Din pacate asta e valoarea noastra,entuziasmul e la 5.Nu am dorit sa sacrific rezultatele pentru a primi voturi negative.bineinteles ce am zis la inceput de sezon inca e valabil,dar eu am pus cam cei mai buni jucatori in lineupurile de start.

From: CMN90

This Post:
293957.18 in reply to 293957.17
Date: 5/31/2018 1:00:39 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
cu parere de rau spun.s nici viitorul nu arata bine
