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Suggestions > Delay Effort for BB3

Delay Effort for BB3

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30580.9 in reply to 30580.7
Date: 5/13/2008 9:55:47 PM
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I think you'd have to delay the entire boxscore for this to be very useful, not just the enthusiasm. I don't need to see the enthusiasm to know my opponent TIE'd if none of his top players played.

Fair enough.. amazing that a lot of US users are online but not available for comment.....

Our daily conspiracy meeting ran later than usual today.

This Post:
30580.10 in reply to 30580.8
Date: 5/14/2008 1:49:43 AM
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No biggie if your team is Canadian no!

This is just season 1 of the BB3 tournament and although not as valid now because of so many other variables I still think it is something that needs to be addressed.

If and whenever I qualify again bar a few teams in Australia/NewZealand, nearly all potential opponents have a clear insight to my tactics and I wont have any information to go on about them....

What about changing the times of the games each season so that we go East to West followed by West to East the following? or do you suggest we leave it and continue giving the IMO huge (in your opinion only a supposed) advantage.

I welcome comments from entrants in China, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand etc

I guess also come the latter stages this might dawn on some of the best European teams if they then get drawn against a US/Canadian/Brazilian opponent.

This Post:
30580.11 in reply to 30580.10
Date: 5/14/2008 10:39:18 AM
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I'm not in the tournament, and am somewhere in the middle of the time-zones, so I don't have a biassed opinion here.

I feel superfly guy has a point here. It might not be that big as he claims, but it surely is biger than the GM (forgot his name) claims.
So I'd say, yes, please solve this situation, not maybe right away, but it should be solved...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
30580.12 in reply to 30580.10
Date: 5/14/2008 10:48:45 AM
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No biggie if your team is Canadian no!

Look, stop with this garbage right now. Accusing the person you're debating of being biased from the start isn't a great way to have rational debate. I find it insulting, frankly. Stick to the facts, please, and stop claiming that the users with later league games can't argue this point fairly.

Anyway, you have a valid point, but I don't think it's a big deal. There is probably a way to make it better, but I'm not sure it's worth the BB's effort.

BTW, how do you propose solving the reverse issue? If I'm not mistaken, the Colombian team involved in the first B3 game had only 4.5 hours between the end of the their league game and their B3 game. That's a pretty severe disadvantage if they have to adjust their strategy because of injury or unexpected minutes distribution in their league game.

This Post:
30580.13 in reply to 30580.12
Date: 5/14/2008 11:05:46 AM
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hey - calm down - i think you've interpreted my sarcasm slightly too seriously.

I made a proposal that 1 season games could be scheduled to start as they are now 1st in the East finishing with those in the West. Then the next season they could be scheduled with games in the West starting first finishing over here in the East.

I only reacted as it seems BB-Charles misinterpreted my post. You have understood my point and so lets just await to see what others think.

As I will state once more if you know you are playing me in this competition you can watch my Sat game (before setting your Saturday orders) and then you can watch my Tues game (again before setting your orders) You will know my minutes and game effort. I will know only afterwards.

The other point is that some games as you point out have one update between the league and BB3 game and others have 2 (dont know if anyone doesnt have an update). This also gives HUGE advantages to teams in the West.. if they TIE on the league game before at 10 it may be possible to play a BB3 game at lvl 12-13. A team from Asia or Australasia will have a minimum of 1 update where there enthusiasm would drop quickly back and NEVER have the ability to play with enthusiasm at this level.

I hope there is a solution to ensure that a competition of this nature can be played out on a level playing field...

I hope i dont read that you think Asian teams will have the advantage in their domestic cups as those games are much closer to the BB3 games.... this is an advantage but not one I would wish to trade or gain.

Last edited by Superfly Guy at 5/14/2008 12:01:56 PM

This Post:
30580.14 in reply to 30580.13
Date: 5/14/2008 12:18:04 PM
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some prety good points in all these posts.

It seems like it might be a solution, and an easy on I believe, to have these international tournament games played without enthousiasm.
(set enthousiasm to 7 for each team for the duration of this game, no matter their real enthousiasm at that time).

This way it is not important to know if a team TIEed or not, and every team gives his best for the game because no team wants to look silly in front of the world.

These games in arcade mode (like the PL games) would be even better, since no matter the injuries, each team can field it's best players in these games, and that's what this tournament wants to do right? Show who's got the best team in BB...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
30580.15 in reply to 30580.14
Date: 5/14/2008 12:22:43 PM
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Mhh but the game lost their tactical deep, i would like it more when the minutes from the player don't count for training, so the BBB teams always play with their strongest team for their strategy, and if we do that we could say that the roster should stand before the league game but i don't thing a single tie before would change so much in the tactic from the opponent and ct in the normal season ain't so often.

This Post:
30580.16 in reply to 30580.15
Date: 5/14/2008 12:30:29 PM
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they can't have the roster stand before the league game. If someone gets injured in the league game it would be very bad not to be able to substitute that player...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
30580.17 in reply to 30580.16
Date: 5/14/2008 12:31:34 PM
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If you want to talk about the original topic, about delaying enthusiasm for B3 games, fine.

We don't need another complaint thread about B3 in general.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
30580.18 in reply to 30580.16
Date: 5/14/2008 12:35:35 PM
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yeah thats right ;)

This Post:
30580.19 in reply to 30580.6
Date: 5/14/2008 7:14:58 PM
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im talking league games...

so all the games on Tuesday for example.. mine completes hours before Brazils starts...he therefore can see have i played my full team (and can add to mins from Sats game) and see my effort... he can then base his selection on this.

he can do that by watching your game live... not showing the effort until maybe a few days after the match, I don't mind. But delaying the boxscore etc - that would have a huge impact on ALL players in the game for the sake of very, very few. And, as I think I pointed out, it wouldn't achieve anything, because your opponent still can watch your game live....
