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Draftee training advice

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From: Buero

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320178.9 in reply to 320178.7
Date: 8/22/2023 6:23:18 PM
Los de la Escalera
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Handling and ID

From: RTDU
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320178.10 in reply to 320178.9
Date: 8/23/2023 11:46:37 AM
Ok thank you guys for your answers , I think i will probably sell him

From: deanswer

This Post:
320178.11 in reply to 320178.3
Date: 8/28/2023 4:56:10 PM
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Second Team:
congrats, You drafted a unicorn

train 1on1 in SF/PF until DR is 17-18.
If You want to really go into the project, buy 5 more 19yo's. 1 good, 1 not bad and 3 cheap ones. make sure they fit the training until 17-18 DR
Buy at least level5 youth trainer with wage lower than 25k, these cost pennies. Also buy at least 4level trainer, but 5 would be better.
after finishing with 17-18DR, sell 3 cheap purchases of the past(you wont make much of off these, but its a buffer), and go to train either OD, ID or PA, I dont know.
make sure the heights match.

I would train IS before od. And later id

S52 CUP WINNER "non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco"
This Post:
320178.12 in reply to 320178.11
Date: 8/29/2023 4:48:06 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Assuming you mean train IS right after 1 on 1, is there any reason why you'd go IS first, instead of training up OD since you've built up the elastics for OD?

I don't know if IS pulls ID up elastically, tho I heard that ID pulls IS up so the norm is usually ID before IS.

This Post:
320178.13 in reply to 320178.12
Date: 8/29/2023 5:19:27 AM
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Second Team:
Assuming you mean train IS right after 1 on 1, is there any reason why you'd go IS first, instead of training up OD since you've built up the elastics for OD?

I don't know if IS pulls ID up elastically, tho I heard that ID pulls IS up so the norm is usually ID before IS.

IS pulls ID.
so, with high IS, when trianing ID you will have a positive elastic effect on ID.
Additionally, when trainig OD, the residual (or secondary training) that ID received will be pulled a bit (Anyway this partbis minimal)

S52 CUP WINNER "non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco"
This Post:
320178.14 in reply to 320178.13
Date: 8/29/2023 5:52:29 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Ah I see. So the idea here is to jack up IS so that ID has elastics, which will then allow the secondary ID pops from OD training be faster? I think that kinda makes sense.

This Post:
320178.15 in reply to 320178.14
Date: 8/29/2023 6:06:46 AM
C.B Torcal
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Antequera C.B
Thats the training that I used with my main trainee and I got really decent and fast pops on my player. Highly recommended.

This Post:
320178.16 in reply to 320178.15
Date: 8/29/2023 8:00:31 AM
Tampines Fusion
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Thanks! I guess I should try it out as well.

This Post:
320178.17 in reply to 320178.15
Date: 8/29/2023 11:57:09 PM
Valley Boys
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Frosted Abomasnows
Do just want to ask, you train IS until to what skill level before switching the training to OD

This Post:
320178.18 in reply to 320178.17
Date: 8/30/2023 3:21:25 AM
C.B Torcal
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Antequera C.B
Now I don’t remember exactly when I changed, and I’m not the greatest expert of training, but I think I switched at level 14. Not a 100% sure. Also as the other skills that the player has at that point are Driving handling and shooting, the impact in salary of the IS is low. But if a more experienced manager can comment would be nice, and I can learn too.

From: deanswer

This Post:
320178.19 in reply to 320178.17
Date: 8/31/2023 4:58:33 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Do just want to ask, you train IS until to what skill level before switching the training to OD

for PG SG and SF, my suggestion is 19.5 that will become 20 with the decimals from ID and SB training
If you are patient for PG SG you could push to 21/22

Last edited by deanswer at 8/31/2023 4:59:08 PM

S52 CUP WINNER "non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco"