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Updated engine player skills (thread closed)

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From: E.B.W.

To: Zoey
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321654.9 in reply to 321654.8
Date: 11/04/2023 17:02:11
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Second Team:
I do think that slightly more passing across all the positions is probably more helpful now, but not a necessity. 👌

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
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321654.11 in reply to 321654.10
Date: 11/05/2023 12:03:51
The Dachshunds
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The Dachshunds II
I feel it's so hard to find these ideal build guys in the transfer list however being in div 4 it hasn't been an issue. I just worry when I eventually promote or move to a more competitive league I'll face problems. How much of each of these values is sufficient for these lower leagues?

From: JoviLux

To: Zoey
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321654.13 in reply to 321654.5
Date: 11/13/2023 09:54:28
The Brick Squad
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No need to be rude if you don't understand a reply, especially when your own question is too vague in the context of BB.

From: Zoey

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321654.14 in reply to 321654.13
Date: 11/24/2023 21:22:32
The Dachshunds
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The Dachshunds II
My question was nothing but straightforward and man you can call me rude, but that guy's responses were incredibly convoluted. If you refuse to recognize that I don't know what to tell you.

From: boule

To: Zoey
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321654.15 in reply to 321654.14
Date: 11/25/2023 05:10:01
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Les Boulettes Utopiennes
'convoluted' or not, 'that guy' has a name and plays a game we all play on. You are blatantly rude. Period. This is a game and different players play differently, but we all try to enjoy our stay in this game.

Last edited by boule at 11/25/2023 05:10:28

This Post:
321654.16 in reply to 321654.5
Date: 11/25/2023 07:55:49
Internazionale Torreense
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Internazionale Sporting
It just seems to me that your baseline of knowledge both in BB and in english are a little bit too low for now to understand what he said, because he gave an incredibly useful answer.

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321654.17 in reply to 321654.16
Date: 11/25/2023 08:00:48
Woodbridge Wreckers
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How useful is it if the one asking doesn't understand?

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321654.18 in reply to 321654.17
Date: 11/25/2023 09:11:11
Internazionale Torreense
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Internazionale Sporting
It makes you think, there are concepts you should try to push your brain a bit more to try and understand instead of stating it's convulted, he could try to deconstruct and question what the malaysian manager said and I'm sure he would learn a lot trying to do that, but in this case he didn't even try it seems

From: E.B.W.
This Post:
321654.19 in reply to 321654.18
Date: 11/25/2023 12:05:29
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I think this confrontation was mainly just a misunderstanding between CullCast and LA-Westri due to familiarity with BB and its complexities. The answer was great, just not for the target audience.

CullCast started BB in season 61 and asked a very fair, but very vague question about what the most important skills are for players now that the game engine has changed. This is a valid question as much of what he might read in the forums from the past may/may not be accurate.

LA-Westri provided an awesome answer that was very useful and in-depth, but new managers probably won't know what he means when he says "extreme skill difference is nearly pointless", "When determining skill level difference outcome in game engine calculations for all in-game actions, a difference of around three will follow a constant evaluation", or "The impact on positions having the necessary passing, as well as team offensive flow, have either made players play better/worse".

Those are all good answers, but it's probably not very digestible for someone who just joined BB a season ago. CullCast asked for clarification after the first response but the disconnect was still present in LA-Westri's 2nd message, which went more in-depth to try to clarify his statements, but understandably confused a newer manager further.

I don't think CullCast's response was very polite, but I also understand that that can be frustrating when you're asking a question and the answers do not make any sense. It's like if I asked how to solve a math problem only having the baseline knowledge of a pre-algebra course and someone helped me solve it using calculus concepts I had never seen before. Yes, they technically answered my question and solved the problem, but it did not really help me grasp the material.

I don't think there has to be any further ill-will though. CullCast eventually got a useful answer that clicked and LA-Westri gave an answer that is likely very helpful for a lot of other managers, even if it did not specifically help CullCast.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(