either my PR is a moron or my fans are just stupid (forgive me for my words). my last game was a TV game witch i know wasn't as good as i can be, so i accept my 4.5 balls from 5 but if my fans got from 3 balls to 4.5 in the ï am happy with this season results"and some how thy got to 2.5 balls from 0.5 ball in the ï know my team superstars..."right after i sold 2 players yesterday (why the hek it got up i dont know) but on top of all thews ups the general impression the bottom line is only 4 balls after 4.5 from Friday survey
so if ill take the ups and downs from Friday 2 0.5 down and 3.5 up means 2.5 balls up in the total how come my general note is down? i am realy thinki to start sharpen this spike....
Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain