I didn't suggested adding something usless you just don't appreciate the sponcer idea as something improving but i'm playing in maneging games since 95 and belive me in every game that had it-it gave a lot of fun and an edge on other games,just emagine yourseld prepring for the next game that in 50+ hours and you don't have nothing else to do untill then and having the option to sell commercial boreds to sponcers at the stedium isn't that something that will add for the game? having an option to add and upgrade your own Merchandise club shop that will increase your income from Merchandise? why only improving the number of seats in your stedium when you can build a whole city in it? where are the food stands? how many bathrooms are in the stedium? there is a whole world of improvments in this and you just need to be open about it and accept the fact it really worth the hard work of programing and doing it
It's clearly opinion, not fact.
I don't see this as adding value to the game, but rather over-complicating things, especially for newer users.
NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live