It's always nice when you guys complement me on my self indulgent ramblings. Glad to see it adds flavor to the proceedings.
This has been a brutal season for us all. I noticed the league average for profit is $216, no not 216 k, two hundred and sixteen dollars. Hell I'm running a 25k deficit each week myself, and I've bought players, and I've built a level 1 training facility ( worthless so far) and if I am lucky I stay up. All season my ticket sales have been disappointing. In a effort to rectify that I decided to dump prices about 20% across the board (except on the boxes) hopefully we will get the symbolism of drawing a full house in our "hour of need". But it's been a tough season for Generals fans, all the guys they've grown to love are gone, sure there are some interesting looking guys replacing them but they are unapproachable.
Actually if this backfires and the generals go down management will go for tidal destruction and a complete rebuild will be put in order.
But I think my supporters at least will show up for the challenge that the blasters represent. t least according to Cletus and Mr. Hitchcock there will be a little something they are going to try to get the crowd involved.
After the introduction of the starting lineups for your GREEEEENNNNSSSBBBBOOORROOO GGGGEEENNNEEERRAALLSS ( with our traditional theme,always a highlight) there is about a 3 minute break between there and the tip. Usually the pep band (aka the little generals mini marching band) goes into something upbeat, something with a good kick. Tomorrow night however something different will happen. It will start in that first row behind the visitors bench where Hitchcock and his merry band of pranksters reside. It will start with a hand clap it will spread to a single drum in the band, the guys think the rest of the crowd will get in on the action. And when the network comes back from commercial and that horn blows calling the teams for the opening tip it will ring out to the ceiling in a bombastic manner.