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Season 42 Y'all

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293541.93 in reply to 293541.92
Date: 5/16/2018 12:00:16 AM
CC Mavs
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D-Town Cowboys
Oh this hurts, Losing a close one is one thing, but losing my best training prospect is another and for 2 weeks of training, Ouch!. I guess this will give my other 4 trainees some much needed time. But, I feel I might drop well below record wise and we know what happen last season to those who did not make the playoffs in the Red.

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293541.94 in reply to 293541.92
Date: 5/16/2018 4:50:23 PM
Greensboro Generals
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The Lions pass the 2nd of 3 challenges this week, but I think it took an hour or two off my ticker. Masters had enthusiasm and home court advantage, some friendly hometown refs, and a nice 13 point lead after the 1st period. We clawed back in the 2nd and tied it up at the end of the 3rd behind some nice play from Richter and Sommers primarily. Then Colon took over in the 4th as per usual with some big help down the stretch from Emerson once Sommers fouled out. I don't think I have ever heard of a hidden clutch stat, but Colon is money in the 4th. It is really uncanny.

The cool story for me was my PF Egobia. He was an 18.5 years old when I inherited my team and was my first trainee. Has really bad foul trouble and I abandoned training him once I drafted Emerson well short of where I wanted him, but still served me well in DIV and as a backup early on in DIII. I debated dropping him before the season since Emerson eats all of his minutes up and his 10k salary could be used elsewhere, but hung on to him. Went back and forth if I should start him tonight so Emerson could still play ~18 minutes in the cup or if I should just start Emerson and be done with it. Egobia ended up notching a double double and soaking up 30 good minutes. Sometimes it's the little things.

I have a tough matchup against DIII.14 contender San.Antonio.Spurs in the cup, but I can play my strongest lineup (minus 7th man Richter) due to minutes management during league play. I just have to make sure my enthusiasm and tactics are on point and I think I'll pull it off.

My cup opponent informed me he was going to be standing down to properly focus on his league matters and so did i. Kind of a good idea, struggled most of the night, fell down much as 9, got to three at half. Then played a very solid second 24 to win going away. But this team is not the same on the road. As for Thursday the lineup will be staggered as Clement, Spuraldi and Emolouga all will be in coat and tie. McClain will be off the bench. Koenig gets the nid at the two Taylor will draw a start at the 3, not the best place for him but I want Koenig getting those looks, but Dinald I think he's earned a start. Skinner is good to go at the point and Alfred and Andy got the front court covered, though I am half tempted to start Han.

Even with that solid crew it could be a struggle, Pyramid of Success has talent all over the place including a presumed rookie of the decade candidate in HOF potential Elroy Nagle, whom I have a feeling his boy Elroy will end up with a career closer to Elroy "Crazy Legs" Hirsch as opposed to Elroy Jetson. It should be an interesting evening as we're thinking it's going to be a complete sellout at the Coliseum. Lots open at 3p, If any tickets still remain the box office will reopen at 5. Doors open at six, carnival seating in the bleachers.

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293541.96 in reply to 293541.95
Date: 5/18/2018 8:07:16 PM
Greensboro Generals
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Well no setup for the weekend slate, guess Sybil will get the night off. Got a day from hell tomorrow down in the ATL on business. A very profitable day but the travel is brutal.

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293541.99 in reply to 293541.98
Date: 5/20/2018 9:28:08 AM
Greensboro Generals
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I am literally a mattress cop! I go to consumers homes to perform warranty inspections. I don't officially decide the fate of the claim but I do all the documentation work. I literally cover a five state region, from the Eastern Shore of Virginia thru the Carolinas to West Georgia and East Tennessee. It's not glamorous, I drive literally thru hell and half of Georgia, but I am my own boss and I make enough to make it worthwhile and it sure beats flipping burgers or working retail. Sometimes however I run myself ragged, yesterday was one of those days.

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293541.101 in reply to 293541.100
Date: 5/20/2018 12:36:56 PM
Greensboro Generals
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You hit the nail on the head. In fact the name of the company I represent is called "Mattress Marshals" and I think the owner may well have taken inspiration from that classic for the company name. Actually I have referenced that scene many a time as a way too loosen up the person I am visiting. Simple fact is this, people call the retailer or factory bitching over comfort. I go out as a neutral party to record to what extent any visable issues have developed. Now I do put in my report a classicifaction but is up to the factory to formally decide if it gets replaced. But the way the warranties are put together I would say very few pass muster. Either the issues do not [player=XXX]exceed acceptable range of wear or if it does than in the overwhelming number of cases the consumer has done something to disqualify their claim. IE stains, broken frame, other obvious forms of abuse such as jumping on the bed. Now many times a retailer or factory will do something for that customer to facilitate good customer service relations. And for those who express concern over new product their see more leeway given, for the guy who has had the set for five, drven, 10 or even 20 years ( and yes that happens) those dudes I am sure never get a our and out replacement, maybe a "credit" towards a new set but those are the people who are out to gild the Lily. Most of my clientele skewers fifty and older, usually at least middle class, many are well to do. And about 1/2 are bent that the current bed does not hold up as well compared to the one they had before which in many cases was made during the Reagan administration.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 5/20/2018 12:46:49 PM

This Post:
293541.102 in reply to 293541.101
Date: 5/20/2018 1:04:01 PM
Greensboro Generals
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I might have to start mixing in CPFD into the mix, lately I have been using a strictly follow directive and a sit them philosophy which in many ways engenders similar breakdown of minutes. I managed to spread out a lot of minutes last night. And I think even after Tuesday I will have enough in the tank to put forth a concentrated effort in the cup. Problem is playing #31 ranked Unedible Nut is a impossible task if he throws his Mainstays into the fray. But his schedule and tendencies suggest he might stand down so he will put out a lineup that I MIGHT be able to hang around with. However in essence my fate is out of my own hands, if this guy decides to give me a path to the field of 64 that will be awesome Opossum, if not I had a good run and can finally turn my attention to focusing on the development of Paul Han. The other question will become who we ship out and if we can come across the types of ypgrades which would make promotion possible. As it stands our club is a nice collection of misfit toys but reality and the laws of diminishing returns will soon apply.
