I don't do LI cookie cutter.
The point is that 16 JS is LI cookie cutter and 10 JR is not. What conversation are you responding too?
In what world is a high PA and high JR LI cookie cutter?
The #1 sign of LI cookie cutter is punting JR and a really bad LI cookie cutter is low PA. I pointed out he has the highest PA on the team because he does not receive good passes since the rest of the team sucks arse at PA relatively...because so many LI cookie cutters surround him.
Maybe I didn't get you cookie cutter definion. Maybe because, in fact, if I tried to make a cookie cutter PG for LI, I would try to train PS as much, as it was possible, because in LI PG should pass to inside players, not score.
What is more, I don't believe that usual managers trains JR much more than PS. According to my databases of 20 yo players, when we will consider only PG and SG's salary formulas, average player has only 0,3 level more in JR than in PS. It's not suggested to not train JR and PS before that age, so what we see, it's only the result of dumb-managers training.
However, I have to say, that their JS is usually 1,25 level higher than PS. And yes, JS it's also not suggested to be trained before 20th birthday...
So, it looks like cookie-cutter PG is not an JR idiot. It looks like it's JS idiot. And what is more, the JS idiot is usually an idiot without OD.
Did you notice the same relative total number of shots?
Maybe I didn't noticed it, I was more focused on percentage.
In this game if you have high JS you will still miss. JR works but nobody realizes it, even idiots start threads about it and if you really look at the numbers its the high JS, not high JR that doesn't work on most players. Outside shooting is overall gimped, but where the JR is there, it does work point for point.
I've been complaining about JS overtraining for almost 20 seasons now but nobody gets it or stops it, its a game design issue.
If you think about teams, which has enormous dozes of JS at any positions, but they don't have much defence to stop opponent, I agree - they may hurt you and win with even worse BB-stats than you, when you don't have strong OD, but some (overpowered, you think) OD kicks their over-paid butts.
If you think, that even one JS specialist in your team is too much, I disagree with this statement. However, we know, that you thought about the first example, I believe.
The masses will continue to create this:
Guards - high JS
Bigs - high DR/IS
Agreed with JS and IS. But I don't know, why DR is bad for bigs - it boosts some stats quite much, and it's free, so why it's bad?
Guards have- high JS. Low JR. Low PA. Decent to high OD. IF inside skills are trained- IS
forwards have- high JS, really dismal PA, horrible SB, often not much RB
bigs have- massive IS. 2nd most stat would be ID. punted/gimped SB, relatively low RB compared to IS...and if htey have trained guard stats at all, its JS, DR, OD in that order
Lots of bigs, PF types especially, have higher JS than RB. Yet and still globally shooting percentages are ultra gimp.
Why lacks of RB are bad? RB is, in my opinion, the most overpaid skill in the game. It's very, very hard to lose to game only because of rebounds, but it's the most expensive skill!
JS on PFs helps to beat their matchups lacks of OD... which they have, because many managers seems to don't care about defence. If you balance JS with OD, it's OK.
Last edited by Siwy at 9/26/2015 10:22:15 AM
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