WOW talk about stereotyping and making assumptions!
Sorry for that. The numbers I quoted for the increase in salary floor are not assumptions, of course. Nor are the amounts for the salary floor / TV contract in my III (a pretty competitive one in a pretty competitive country) stereotypes, but instead probably a fair estimate of the highest salary floor a new team in a country of 3 or more divisions should face.
Nor, really, are my observations about who are making the complaints about this (at least, in terms of it not being the new users who are supposedly so damaged by this). Currently, let's look at who's posted (as of about 9:25 am server time:
maddoghellas, 14 posts: I think you would agree that you are not new, and you're two levels ahead of where you started the game. To be fair, though, your complaint isn't that it hurts new users, but that it hurts those who are competitive in high levels just at the old floor level.
Lemonshine, 13 posts: Not new, and appears to be functionally in favor of this (with some reasoned discussion on other changes that could / should be made).
Knecht, 12 posts: Can certainly not be called a new user, and who is certainly knowledgeable about the plight of those who start their career in II.
EGM-Perpete, 9 posts: He's actually in IV but obviously not a new user, also has suggested longer exceptions for new teams.
Mike Franks, 6 posts: Not a new user, but has discussed this change as being painful to new users specifically, because... well, no numbers of course.
GM-hrudey, 6 posts: Not new. As far as I can tell, the only person who's actually tried to evaluate these changes in terms of the actual net dollar effects to new teams, rather than the emotional "it's too hard for new teams" or citing the gap between the new and old. Also has more dog avatars per post than just about anyone in this game, so obviously a classy fellow.

SherlockH, 5 posts: In III.7, a long time USA user, talking about the inflation mostly.
LA-Manon, 4 posts: II.4 in Sweden, hardly a new user. Does not seem to think this is a negative change.
A-Dub, 2 posts: In NBBA. Talking about the inflation.
BB-Ryan, 2 posts: not a new user, in the top league, obviously not against the change itself (though apparently I see he's also acknowledging a micronation issue, which is good).
Trojan Empire, 2 posts: In the top league. Mentions that this is effecting him, why should he have to spend more
Periwinkle Blue, 2 posts: Was talking about how he was able to make money pretty comfortably before the changes by skating by at the salary floor and being competitive in his III. Almost promoting, even.
justme: 1 post: In II in Finland, mentioning TL prices.
LA-Kaiser: 1 post : In III in Turkey, seems to be in favor of raise but concerned about TL.
The sentinel, 1 post: In II, hardly a new user, and was discussing an alternative solution for tanking.
Phyr, 1 post: NBBA, talking about attendance formula as a measure for tanking control.
Aleksandar, 1 post: In I, not discussing this specific change and not new user.
and most importantly (IMO), the two new users:
GTPero, three posts: still not to having to pay the floor yet, has a level 4 trainer, will lose a little profit weekly when the floor kicks in for him but already has $800k, trainees and has been looking to spend more on the trainer.
Hööga, one post: has 20 weeks in the game, change doesn't hurt him
So please forgive me when I say that I appreciate the difficulties of new users in this game as much as anyone, to the point of actually trying to go through the actual numbers of how these changes affect them, and I appreciate far less the "champions of the new users" who claim these changes are crippling new teams without backing it up with anything real. Now, you may disagree with me, but if you think stereotyping or baseless assumptions are behind my posts, you are absolutely wrong.