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BB USA > Mentoring: A closer look at 1 team

Mentoring: A closer look at 1 team

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From: Xarn

To: Coco
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88540.93 in reply to 88540.92
Date: 5/31/2009 1:12:22 PM
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Well, if he reads it, he reads it. That's the risk in getting the huge benefit of being able to discuss these things with more experienced managers.

If he does enough of his homework and beats me in the finals, then he deserves the opportunity to promote.

I'm not going to comment on which way I'm going to go. However, I can see benefits to both defense styles.

A) the 2-3 is a strong answer to his most dominant scoring sector and he's likely to revert back to what has been successful for him all season (with the exception of against me)

b) the man to man, doesn't give me the boost to my interior defense that the 2-3 does but it also doesn't expose me to his weaker outside scoring like it did in the last match.

I really do give him a lot of credit for making the adjustment and beating me on the road where I really should've been the favorite. He did a good job of coaching.

As for my offense, I really am a 1 trick pony. My guards scoring abilities are superior to my bigs and for that I have become somewhat limited. I'm pretty much a R & G team who can also have some success with motion offense. Look Inside would be suicide for me.

One question. How much does it hurt me in rebounding to play full court press? I don't think I have the stamina to pull this off effectively. But my rebounders on the bench are almost as good as my starters. If I could still maintain the edge in rebounding, it might be okay to risk the fatigue given that I've been training pressure.

From: brian

To: Xarn
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88540.95 in reply to 88540.93
Date: 5/31/2009 1:27:20 PM
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full court press might not be a bad idea. It will noticeably lower both your OD/ID and your rebounding. I'd guess your ID/Reb will be like your playing 3-2, and you're OD will be like you're playing 2-3. But, you should be able to get a lot more turnovers.

Maybe worth considering Motion on offense if youre going to full court press. Slowing down the offense will reduce fatigue a little.

He's very likely going to stick with the 1-3-1 so scoring is going to be very difficult. Need to either guess his attack with a 1-3-1 or a 2-3, or hope the full court press is very effective.

Last edited by brian at 5/31/2009 1:28:40 PM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: modred

To: Xarn
This Post:
88540.96 in reply to 88540.93
Date: 5/31/2009 4:52:15 PM
Myopic Marauders
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Look Inside would be suicide for me.

How is the driving on your guards?

From: Xarn

To: Coco
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88540.97 in reply to 88540.94
Date: 5/31/2009 5:18:44 PM
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1) his outside scoring is not so weak as you made it out to be, it's ratingswise about as good as yours.

I did not mean to indicate that his O/S was "weak" in the ratings terminology. Merely that his I/S was significantly better than his O/S.

From: Xarn

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88540.98 in reply to 88540.96
Date: 5/31/2009 5:20:41 PM
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Of the 4 guards that will see time at PG and SG

proficient (coupled with Tremendous JS), average (coupled with mediocre JS), strong (coupled with respectable JS), respectable (coupled with awful JS)

Last edited by Xarn at 5/31/2009 5:22:24 PM

From: modred

To: Xarn
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88540.100 in reply to 88540.98
Date: 5/31/2009 7:29:27 PM
Myopic Marauders
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Good driving plus decent inside shot and good jump shooting can make look inside not completely suck for you. Note - I've not done extensive studies on this but with my team it seems that (depending on the match up) that driving guards can get their opposition in foul trouble when playing look inside. Also, look inside changes the type of shot your team takes (less threes) but if your guards are your best players they should still their share of shots.

From: Xarn

This Post:
88540.101 in reply to 88540.100
Date: 5/31/2009 7:54:01 PM
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Thanks for the heads up.

We're inside of 10 minutes now so I don't mind divulging that I went MTM with PTB.

Here's hoping the increased pace combined with my superior rebounding compensates for the fact that I did not know whether he'd stick with the way he beat me previously or revert back to his usual line up.

I'm also hopeful that if he went with 1-3-1 again, I'll get enough opportunities inside that I'll overcome his defense.

From: Xarn

To: Coco
This Post:
88540.102 in reply to 88540.101
Date: 5/31/2009 8:12:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Looking like I should've followed your advise and stuck with the 2-3 zone.

he's attempted precisely 1 shot outside of the lane so far this game. Looks like another season in IV for me if something doesn't change.

Alternately, why haven't I attempted any 3 pts with PTB? I have very little experience with this offense, I figured it would be a good mix but it seems I'm going to the hole a lot more too.
