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Training Speed Analysis (thread closed)

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From: Shoei
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381.936 in reply to 381.935
Date: 2/10/2009 7:21:41 PM
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im going to share this,

this whole season is almost at the end. and my training results

23 yrs old pg, 6'5 all star = 1 pop JS, i pop passing
22 yrs old pg , 6'2 pg all star = 2 pops JR , 1 pop passing , 1 pop JS
22 yrs old sg, 6'3 all star = 2 pops OD, i pop JS, 1 pop JR,
22 yrs ols, 5' 11 all star = i pop OD, 2 pops JR,

all execpt one 22 year old 6'3 played 48 minutes for training every week.

level 5 trainer.

This Post:
381.937 in reply to 381.936
Date: 2/11/2009 8:01:57 AM
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Here are my results of training Pressure (PG/SG) for a few weeks (Trainer lvl: 5)
First the players' info (pot.=potental)
Name age pot. height
Radoslaw 22__7___6'3

The primary skill improvement: OD (arrow indicates a pop)
(table shows weeks training OD=Pressure and the minutes played by a player)

Training 1OD 2OD 3OD 4OD 5OD 6ST 7HN 8OD 9OD 10OD
Radoslaw 40__48↑_36__48__48__________48↑_48__48

7HN - all got 48min of training.

The secondary skill improvement:
Alfred: 9OD -pop in ID
Dariusz: 8OD -pop in ID, 7HN -pop in HN, 7HN -pop in DV
Grzegorz: 10HN -pop in DV
Wilhelm 1OD -pop in ID
Rafal: 2OD -pop in DV

Seems that hight has quite some influance on the speed of Pressure training.
6'0 players were poping almost every 2 weeks while for 6'5 player it takes around 3 weeks. I noticed that the potential doesn't influance the training until a certain skill level is reached. Seems like a player with a starter potential can easily reach 2-3 skills around prominent level without the potential slowing down the training.
Also the improvement of HN, DV and ID takes way more than 7-8 weeks to pop. I trained OS last season which also "trains" DV and HN as secondary skills and I only got pops this season. It seams that, at least in my case, the 7-8 weeks for DV and HN are more like a full season - 14-16 weeks.

So to conclude:

Trains OD @ 2-3 weeks
Trains ID @ 14-16 weeks
Trains HN @ 14-16 weeks
Trains DV @ 14-16 weeks

Hope that info helps;)
e: typo

Last edited by polskidude at 2/11/2009 8:08:57 AM

This Post:
381.939 in reply to 381.938
Date: 2/11/2009 11:37:32 AM
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It seems that most people don't submit correct data. If you really think my post is what the thread needs I think you could place a link at the first post to my info so that people could see the form in which submitted info is useful for this thread.
I'm glad I could help. Ill try submitting info from last season's OS training as well.

This Post:
381.940 in reply to 381.939
Date: 2/11/2009 11:49:47 AM
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60 more posts before we head to a new thread.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
From: CitB
This Post:
381.942 in reply to 381.941
Date: 2/11/2009 10:10:01 PM
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ok here some data of an allstarpotentialplayer 55 weeks training 1 or 2 positions changed training nearly every week, trainerlevel 9 or 10 old 5 or 6 new, guardtraining, pops like this 7 <jumpShot> , 3<range>,4<outsideDef>,6<handling>,7 <driving>,5 <passing>1 <insideDef>,1 <stamina>, 34 total + 2 xp ,
he got lot of sub even in insideshot ^^

From: Ehud
This Post:
381.943 in reply to 381.942
Date: 2/12/2009 4:41:13 AM
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Can someone tell me whats the difference between JS for PG/SG to SG/SF ?? (is there a difference in the trainning speed)

same question for Outside shooting

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
This Post:
381.944 in reply to 381.943
Date: 2/12/2009 5:29:54 AM
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Can someone tell me whats the difference between JS for PG/SG to SG/SF ?? (is there a difference in the trainning speed)

same question for Outside shooting

Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 7-8 weeks
Trains HN @ 7-8 weeks
Trains DV @ 7-8 weeks

Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 7-8 weeks
Trains IS @ 7-8 weeks

Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 7-8 weeks
Trains DV @ 7-8 weeks
Trains HN @ 7-8 weeks
Trians IS @ 7-8 weeks

If you would just go to the first page you will see that SG/SF gets subtraining in JR.

You can look for the Outside Shooting yourself. Show some effort...

This Post:
381.945 in reply to 381.944
Date: 2/12/2009 5:37:29 AM
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thanks - and I'll show some effort as soon as I'll know it (I've never trainned Outside shooting)

I am aware of the list you've sent, but it doesn't make sence that wingmen has an advantage over PG/SG. (Inside shot). I would think that if that is the case then PG/SG should get pops more often...

"Did you miss me??? - "With every bullet so far..." Al Bundy
From: LA-Nir
This Post:
381.946 in reply to 381.11
Date: 2/12/2009 5:37:49 AM
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i whoud be interested if any one know the speed for JR not JS for wingmans

Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain