It would be interesting to provide benefits to teams that have their entire roster coming from the draft or from the initial team (homegrown).
these could be provided as merchandising or even through a greater presence of fans at the stadium, up to an increase in the sale of the "t-shirts" of their favorites.
they could also be paid, for example:
- 50/69% homegrown players = 10k per week
- 70/99% homegrown players = 15k per week
- 100% homegrown players = 50k per week
in this example, a user would also be oriented to get to 100% in order to afford a better coach.
or they could be in the form of a "discounted" salary, where homegrown players have a 15/20% decrease in salary if they have never changed teams.
I think it would also be useful for new teams who would see some extra revenue.
furthermore, the wild market would be at least reduced, trying to valorise any prospect coming from the draft.
I know that currently there is some extra income coming from merchandising for "drafted players and fellow countrymen" but I think it's very little to make anyone focus on the homegrowns.
this is my opinion... what do you think about?