Lots of consecutive ORs in a row is less common in NBA because of athleticism and physicality which either means your gonna see a dunk putback or a foul within the first 2 or 3 ORs....
Also just overall skill of players.
Even if you put drummond and high school kids the odds of 5 ORs in a row on putbacks are next to 0. You need to factor in not just the OR but the fact that the guy has to miss at least 4 times in a row as well. ZBo was a far inferior offensive rebounder at any point in his career, and especially in Portland, than Drummond already is. I've seen nearly all of Drummond's games and he's never had 5 ORs in a row. That said, it's usually a team affair in this game...usually until someone finally scores.
At amateur level I have seen dozens of ORs in a row. Big mismatch and this will happen.
Explain to me how you've seen dozens of missed tap-ins one after another. I'm not saying 5 ORs in consecutive offensive possessions, I mean 5 ORs in the same possession. If you play a 6'8'' kid against 6'2'' kids of course he will grab a lot of ORs during a game, but missing 4-5 times in a row from under the basket with that size advantage?
Same thing with foul sequences, guards rebounding FTs etc. These somewhat rare happenings even in BB are not impossible in real ball and I see them happen all the time.
ORs on FTs (by teammates) are somewhat rare events among people of any age who have high IQ enough to understand what boxing out is, less rare among lower level leagues, but the shortest guys on the court rebounding their own FTs when they are not trying to miss on purpose would be more like a miracle, it just does not happen. In BB it happens every goddamn season. Multiple times.
I have no issue wiht that stuff. i ahve issue with the actual incongruences with actual game rules nad lack of certain types of violations/obvious and admitted complete lack of fullcourt simulation. BB simulates half-court basketball. This is admitted by devs.
OK there are no fastbreaks (save for when you need to rush a shot, because then you get a jump shot within 2 seconds), you have no option to crash the offensive boards vs playing it safe etc etc, but what about the apparent lack of team defence or screens (and specifically illegal ones)? These things are kind of key in half court sets...
Last edited by Lemonshine at 9/27/2015 8:26:11 PM