First of all, i will renew my supporter package, excellent job.
I really like the news, im not sure of the guessing the opponent strategy, but im in favor beacouse it will change something in the game.
To all of us that have been playing this game for a 10-15 seasons a change like that can motivate us to not to do always the same things, probe others and experiment, like in season 3 when we were all in the same knowledge position.
Some uruguaians users leave the game beacouse its always the same things, no majors changes, so thank you!
In the other hand i think you must integrate more the spanish communitys, you only speak in english so a lot of times spanish communitys are like and island, they dont know BBs exist, and that its not good for a lot of users...
Last edited by Gonza8 at 9/21/2013 2:41:45 PM