It was very important to start 1st round EC from winning game...and we heve done it after tough game against
Turkey (54546).
We were led to win by new generation of our bigs
Jančiukevičius (41940883) 17 pts., 14 rb. and
Malinovskas (41941301) 11pts., 12 rb., and supported from the bench by veteran
Maciukonis (37955936) 12 pkt., 5 rb in 14 minutes. A key role in playmaking belonged to
Buteganis (41169599) 5 ast. and 11 pts., who was supported by
Treikauskas (41170105)8pts., 3 ast.
General observations: If we compare our stats with stats of top teams...they are very promising.
Last edited by kozlik4 at 3/10/2020 10:07:25 AM