NT Points Historical:
Stronks: 25th to 24th
Stavridis: 42nd to 39th
Arsenault: Enters at 43rd
Thomas: Enters at 50th
NT Rebounds Historical:
EAK: 13th to12th
Kearns: Enters at 37th
Arsenault: Enters at 41st
Stronks: Enters at 42nd
Stavridis: Enters at 49th
NT Assists Historical:
EAK: 10th to 9th
Maja: 16th to 15th
Kearns: 20th to 18th
Stavridis: 24th to 22nd
Richards: 34th to 33rd
Jutras: Enters at 38th
Thomas: Enters at 39th
Hadley: Enters at 42nd
In Canadas latest game vs the US, Arsenault recorded 44 points which is tied for the 5th highest amount of points scored by a Canada NT player in a single game!
In Canadas latest game vs the US, Kearns recorded 10 assists which is tied for the 4th highest amount of assists dished out by a Canada NT player in a single game!
I also extended EVERY single historical category to a top 50 without any minimums.