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BBB 3 Benefits

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From: brian

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32764.98 in reply to 32764.96
Date: 6/3/2008 10:32:02 PM
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Your teams are good enough that you shouldn't have to do this. None of you represent my country.

If only this was real life and I had an American flag sewn on my shirt, you could have ripped it off and walked away as I dropped my head in embarrassment.

Just like Jerry Seinfeld getting his US Postal service badge ripped off by Newman for delivering too much mail.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
32764.99 in reply to 32764.88
Date: 6/3/2008 10:37:18 PM
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Thats the way - defend your fellow man just like the way you mutually TIE'd games. It's pathetic. He is making a point in which you guys are arranging games. Did you cheat? No it was in the rules for you to do so and in some cases makes you look smart that you were able to come up with it.

I want to point out NONE of you has came out and said you have mutually TIE'd games. Just admit it we can start a new thread of how the NBBA is half baked.

From: Deadmeat

This Post:
32764.100 in reply to 32764.98
Date: 6/3/2008 10:41:18 PM
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You don't have any valid points to say your mutual TIEs are right other than sticking by the letter of the law and saying its not in the rule book. Congratulations for clutching onto a technicality. By represent I guess I mean what United States competitors should be about, winning because they are the best. The teams that are in it are relying on systems and exclusions in rulebooks. I am very much from the US WFU03. I have lived here my whole life, pay taxes, vote. Sorry to call out a friend of yours? Thats the only reason I can see for you getting involved and taking up for their side.

Last edited by Deadmeat at 6/3/2008 10:46:22 PM

This Post:
32764.101 in reply to 32764.97
Date: 6/3/2008 10:50:42 PM
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Why are you defending your posse when there may just be some truth to what he is saying?

The kid in may ways is right. He got called out by a "GM" using tactics that are questionable in a game that has too much gray.

The defintion is very broad from "acting dishonestly" to violating the rules. Explaining why are you mutually TIE seems to fall somewhere in there because if what they were doing was right, they would come right out and say what they are doing. I know KDB mutually TIE games. I didn't with him and didn't respond to his request.

There is a lot more collusion going on than what is being said in the forums and it stinks people have to go to "great lengths" to be the best in the USA.

This Post:
32764.102 in reply to 32764.98
Date: 6/3/2008 10:52:53 PM
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Yoo hoo Juice Pats..........- we are waiting for you.......

This Post:
32764.104 in reply to 32764.102
Date: 6/3/2008 10:58:43 PM
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Im just hoping the next BBB match your in, they can read english, read this post, and put you out of it.

I'll cover that for you.


Your next opponent, eh.

He TIEs every game, eh?

So go ahead and prepare yourself accordingly, eh!

By the way, I think you are the favourite, eh. But do me a favour, eh and keep this on the down low.

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
From: Deadmeat

This Post:
32764.105 in reply to 32764.103
Date: 6/3/2008 11:01:19 PM
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Main Entry: dis·hon·est
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)dis-ˈä-nəst also (ˌ)diz-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deshoneste, from des- dis- + honeste honest
Date: 14th century
1obsolete : shameful, unchaste
2: characterized by lack of truth, honesty, or trustworthiness : unfair, deceptive
— dis·hon·est·ly adverb
synonyms dishonest, deceitful, mendacious, untruthful mean unworthy of trust or belief. dishonest implies a willful perversion of truth in order to deceive, cheat, or defraud <a swindle usually involves two dishonest people>. deceitful usually implies an intent to mislead and commonly suggests a false appearance or double-dealing <the secret affairs of a deceitful spouse>. mendacious may suggest bland or even harmlessly mischievous deceit and when used of people often suggests a habit of telling untruths <mendacious tales of adventure>. untruthful stresses a discrepancy between what is said and fact or reality <an untruthful account of their actions>.

From: stogey23

This Post:
32764.108 in reply to 32764.107
Date: 6/3/2008 11:10:17 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I'll use it in a sentence.

It would be dishonest to agree to a Mutual TIE and then Normal or CT.

Am I understanding the lesson Deadmeat?

Last edited by stogey23 at 6/3/2008 11:10:49 PM

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone