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Season 38

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285199.99 in reply to 285199.98
Date: 5/27/2017 10:57:06 PM
Greensboro Generals
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But you still control your destiny. My boys could still get the first round HCA but 3rd looks most likely. They gave it a good run, had the focus called but abstained on the pace and in the end talent won out.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 5/27/2017 10:58:41 PM

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285199.101 in reply to 285199.100
Date: 5/28/2017 10:03:39 AM
Greensboro Generals
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The boring NBA playoffs and super exciting NHL playoffs have hurt my buzzerbeater team big time. Have been focusing on my hockey manager game way more than basketball. 3 weeks in a row of at least 1 missed lineup has my team in really poor game shape and I lost a few winnable games to boot. Not to mention I missed a few weeks of final training on Emerson.

I really don't want to face off against runnin guns for a playout with his new 7 million dollar roster, but I don't think Sparty can finish 2-0 and I only need to win 1 more to seal the playoffs. I think I will be right where I deserve and would have been anyways.

As my old friend John "The Freak" Renshaw used to say, the NHL playoffs are the most intense thing in sport. Personally I am only so much into the puck though when the Hurricanes had their runs back in the early-mid 2000's I did get into it, then again we all got into it, I will always think of the Barney Fife Meme where the Canes flag is attached to the squad car antenna. As for the NBA playoffs I have successfully avoided them, though I will have to break down and catch some of the finals because that is essential must see TV.

Though to be real honest modern sport has just become too much about the money and the posturing, the NBA much like the NFL has become too much about making it all about the offense. Lambeer and the rest of the Bad Boys would have ground Bron Bron and the incomparable Mr. Curry etc into pate back in the day because back then, no blood, no foul. Back then they called it playing defense, today they would probably call it assault. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN YOU MEDDLING KIDS.

Actually that is unfair, today's NBA is a era I think will go down as a golden age. The NFL on the other hand jumped the shark, last seasons insane Superb Owl notwithstanding.

Then again thanks to you tube one can relive those days of yore, at least until the copyright Nazi's come calling.

Therefore I strongly encourage all to partake in this as though there are many many fine documentaries that the Sabol family had their hands in, this in my view is the Citizen Kane of the genre.

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285199.103 in reply to 285199.102
Date: 5/28/2017 8:38:19 PM
Johns Creek Wave
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Holly Springs Haggis
I'm a hockey and soccer fan and will watch pretty much any game that I can in those two sports.

I'm a Patriots, Celtics and Red Sox fan. I could care less about games if my teams aren't playing.

But to me the NBA is moving towards wrestling territory. It's an athletic event, but not much of a sport. The star treatment makes a lot of games a joke. Guys like LeBron are talented enough. They don't need the coddling they get from the refs.

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285199.104 in reply to 285199.103
Date: 5/29/2017 9:00:23 AM
Greensboro Generals
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Players get calls because their talent does lead to getting the benefit of the doubt. Always has. always will, your Celts of the 80's are a great example. Though when it came down to it the whistles stopped going their way when they finally ran into teams that were of a higher pedigree. Great as Bird, DJ, McHale, Parrish etc were Magic, Big Game James and Kareem were just a little bit better. But in the end both teams at their peaks were playing the game on a completely different level compared to their peers. And this finals match up reminds me a lot of that, but much like those great Lakers-Celtics battles it really helps that these are the teams who not only have the best talent but who also have the most charismatic personalities of their time.

In legitimate contests of skill chicanery only occurs when gambling becomes part of the equation, see Tim Donaghy, or see the college point shaving scandals that have surfaced over the years. Unlike the blue collar ballet or as I like to call it "Masterneck Theatre" a loss of legitimacy would lead to the ruin of the game, again see Donaghy. Rasslin on the other hand is based upon who can do the best job of getting themselves over as personalities as opposed to ability.

The NBA's issue is that the game suffers from a lack of parity, But is that gerrymandering or is it just these two teams have built a better mouse trap, I lean towards the following.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 5/29/2017 9:09:10 AM

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285199.106 in reply to 285199.104
Date: 5/30/2017 8:34:39 PM
Johns Creek Wave
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Holly Springs Haggis
Kept thinking today was Monday and never set my lineup. This is bad

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285199.107 in reply to 285199.106
Date: 6/4/2017 3:39:09 AM
Johns Creek Wave
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Holly Springs Haggis
Boy, did I ever blow my chance. Looking more like one and done.

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285199.108 in reply to 285199.107
Date: 6/4/2017 7:47:34 AM
Greensboro Generals
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Boy, did I ever blow my chance. Looking more like one and done.

Though all things considered it could be worse, at least you have drawn in essence a bot opponent, so at least you will have the benefit of advance knowledge

In regards to that I am flabbergasted that the Blasters did not secure their spot opposite the wave,

In the other 5-7 battle Yeet should be playing their swan song

In the six hole I think we have a battle which could and should extend into next week

I guess the Clogs are going full on George and Weezy

But who is going to join them.

Could it be the peaks, or perhaps the young Lions?

Or how about the Generals or Nasties??

Is this finally the season of Deronimo??? Or is it time for Hydro to flower??? Perhaps the dogs will have their day???

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/4/2017 10:11:09 AM

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285199.109 in reply to 285199.108
Date: 6/4/2017 11:40:25 AM
Michigan Blasters
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Clown Cafe
With the mistakes I made this season, I deserve a season in IV. Maybe that will let me sort out the direction I really want the team to go in the future.
