Our opening starts by highlighting the various ingredients that have gone into the recipe the chefs have conjoured up to get to this stage.
https://youtu.be/2PqfDyPAcBwAnnouncer: Gordon Ramsay himself could not have come up with a more complete selection of eclectic offerings than the chefs have on their way to the final. The contents have simmered all season long and now are ready to be served on a champions platter. Just one little obstacle remains....
Cut to Issac Elliott pouring it in against stormz.
https://youtu.be/OysEzsruFK4All that stands between the chefs and slaughterhouse immortality is Issac Elliott's flying circus aka the bunnies. After coming off the pace to claim the big 8 the bunnies will now look to pull the biggest shocker of them all.
Cut to the generals and blasters getting the respective better of each other over their first two entanglements.
https://youtu.be/7L6L1NbJuIoBut tonight we not only see one team take the first step towards becoming a champion we also get to see the end for one of two teams which have long standing ties to this league. Greensboro used a wave of emotion to run away with game one. Michigan held serve at home with a performance that while not as impressive in terms of margin was certainly no less in doubt as they controlled matters the whole way. And now their big gun is back, as to how many rounds are in the chamber remains to be seen but alas another level of intrigue has been added. It is a situation where neither team deserves the fate of falling to d4 but which is going to happen nevertheless.
Sybil will have her say, we will have our ceremony for MVP coming at halftime and we will also announce our slaughterhouse man of the year as well. So even though times might be uneasy don't get quesy as it's time again for BB2NIGHT!
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 1/21/2019 7:30:17 AM