in all ways it will affect revenue... i think we all agree that there is only 1 way to meassure a top leagues true strength compared by other top leagues by looking at the results in BBB. For us in medium sized and lower sized countries this will mean (in my opinion) we loose competitiveness compared to the top leagues off other countries. as far as i am aware, no team from a small country has won the BBB yet. The competitiveness in just the country should stay the same since the new change would hit all managers.
However, like I tried to point out before, i have no problem with a change like this as long as there are enough decent players to build a decent squad. there are 10 decent trainees and they are really just decent 18 year old players for sale that are english. with 520 active players that is not adequate enough... just imagine how this works out with the 1 only japanees 18 year old for sale at the moment...
Last edited by Astragoth at 2/25/2009 7:52:32 AM