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BB România > intrebari 2

intrebari 2 (thread closed)

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111211.990 in reply to 111211.989
Date: 1/29/2012 4:58:48 AM
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Daca am cumparat un jucator fara drept de joc in play-off iar la primul meci al finalei am dat ordinele cu el in teren, ce se intampla dupa inceperea meciului ?


This Post:
111211.992 in reply to 111211.991
Date: 2/17/2012 1:28:41 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
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am si eu o intrebare pt voi
la meciul din cupa am avut un jucator pe care l-am pus sa joace pe post de SG atat ca titular, cat si ca inlocuitor si rezerva, astfel incat sa-mi joace toate cele 48 min si sa primeasca antrenament
buunnn... a jucat non-stop pana la sfarsitul celui de-al 3-lea sfert... cand... surpriza: la inceputul celui de-al 4-lea a fost inlocuit de inlocuitorul aruncatorului... aveam setat 'urmareste strict tabelul' si niciodata nu mi s-a mai intamplat chestia asta... insa ce e sigur e ca mi-a dat peste cap minutele de antrenament si nu mi se pare ok cat timp eu am ales strict cat anume sa joace...
eram la 20p avans fata de adversar, insa nu avea nici un motiv sa il inlocuiasca cat timp tot el era si inlocuitor si rezerva...

ceva opinii?

This Post:
111211.993 in reply to 111211.992
Date: 2/17/2012 3:42:10 AM
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e ceva care se intampla atunci cand e "garbage time". Se pare ca inca nimeni nu poate controla asta, si eu mai patesc.

This Post:
111211.994 in reply to 111211.992
Date: 2/17/2012 3:42:52 AM
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se pare ca si eu am patit acelasi lucru cu CJ-ul, i-a fost schimbata pozitia 4 minute ca EXF desi era altul pe banca de rezerve care putea sa intre.

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111211.996 in reply to 111211.995
Date: 2/17/2012 10:15:53 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
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nope... doar 1

This Post:
111211.997 in reply to 111211.992
Date: 2/17/2012 3:44:50 PM
Danube Delta
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Second Team:
Danube Delta Intl.
.. l-am pus sa joace pe post de SG [...] buunnn... a jucat non-stop pana la sfarsitul celui de-al 3-lea sfert... cand... surpriza: la inceputul celui de-al 4-lea a fost inlocuit de inlocuitorul aruncatorului...

aruncator = SG (shooting guard)

This Post:
111211.998 in reply to 111211.997
Date: 2/18/2012 6:31:12 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
my mistake... eram la servici si ma grabeam
I know the difference

This Post:
111211.999 in reply to 111211.998
Date: 3/3/2012 7:09:48 PM
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Hi brothers from Romania....i want to ask you something...i want to find people for if you are interrested,just contact me;)....i have a lot interviews with managers from all of the BB World,but i don't have nobody from Romania....You can see at this link how other interviews looks like....just like i said,send me BB-Mail if you want to say something about this game or about your BB-career so far,exclusivly for my site....

Sorry if i posts this in wrong thread;)...and Mr. GM,this is not a spam,I have a permission from other GM's;)

Best Regards,

This Post:
111211.1000 in reply to 111211.999
Date: 3/3/2012 7:49:55 PM
BV Pistons
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Second Team:
BV Pistons II
I don't have a problem with it, I'm sure you'll find someone here for an interview. I've been following your interviews, they're very cool, and fun to read. Keep it up