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Yard Goats Franchise Created!

6/25/2018  0 replies    

Press Announcements

Checking in on the Plan

Marcum blew out a puff of smoke. "So let's see how this operation is coming along.

"We had us a nice draft, picking up two high quality guards, probably starters before the year is over. Vik just had a 44 / 24 game against league competition. He's on a U21 NT along with Lowson. With a good coaching staff, 3 scouting points a week, and a team salary around $85,000, this team is clearing $35,000 a week -- not great, but it is all savings. Do that all season, have a little luck in the BBM and Cup and we could clear $500,000 before playoffs.

"And do this while training skills to first fill holes -- eventually we'll get to flashier skills. If all goes well, then this season is still training, but next season the team should be getting competitive for DIV.

"Not sure about stadium expansion. Hate building more empty seats. Will have to see if a DIV team can draw a fairly-priced 10,000 seat crowd. If so, we will happily build. Still have our eye on a a $1 million arena, but not for a couple of seasons.

"A success this season would be the six trainees to average 80 TSP by the end of the season. And make the playoffs. "

Last edited by John Marcum at 3/17/2024 9:16:30 PM

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