L'ex-Bleuet Julien Trellu, actuellement aux Boulettes, a rencontré son équipe formatrice ce mardi et a été interviewé par ESPN (en anglais):
Julien, the French media are saying you posted on instagram that your heart still belong to the Shoemakers and then deleted the post, is it true?
That's completely false, that was a fake account, I'm not even on Instagram. But I'm very emotional about playing against the team that drafted me and believed in my potential, where I had all the oportunities to grow and even make to the France U21, a team that has me in their Hall of Fame, so in this sense it is true that the Shoemakers have an eternal place in my heart.
So can we say that your performance tonight was affected by your feelings towards Franca?
Again, this is not true, I played well, I led the score for my team, it's just that the Shoemakers this season have been surprisingly good, if they keep this mindset and this tactical discipline they showed today they are true contenders for the title this season.
Coach Bernspin trained you and made most of the player you are today, he knows how good of a defender you are but went Low Post tonight, what do you think was on his mind? Do you think that was personal?
I dunno, coach Bernspin has always been a bit insane, but I know how much he devotes to this game, he had something on his mind for sure, it doesn't matter what it was cause it worked in the end.
You had a personal battle against Franklin van den Bergh tonight, how was playing against your former teammate?
Oh, Franklin is my guy, we always had a good relationship since he was a freshman, some people didn't believe he could become so good as he is now, so I'm happy for him. BTW, are going out tonight and since he is from Belgium I'll let him choose the beer (laughs) and since he earns more than me now I'll let him pay the bill too(laughs).
Van den Bergh is flemish, in which language do you usually communicate?
Franklin is just like coach Bernspin, he pretends not to speak French, both of them speak French very well but they are just too lazy to do so.
Editado por Bernspin em 18/06/2024 18:29:50
Editado por Bernspin em 18/06/2024 20:03:11
Editado por Bernspin em 26/06/2024 13:20:48