V.18 Big 8

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games

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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
Next: New Yolk Nicks :)

Last 8 league games
Next: baitimore buzzer
Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  ballz69  118 - 99
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  Broward Bulls  115 - 117
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  xSLAMx  115 - 114
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  Memphis Bangers  129 - 131
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  VCS Conquerors  110 - 125
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  The Herd  102 - 114
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  Indianapolis Legends  100 - 116
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  RIOTS  112 - 122
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  ballz69  103 - 115
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  Broward Bulls  126 - 122
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  xSLAMx  116 - 118
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  Memphis Bangers  128 - 134
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  Indianapolis Legends  131 - 126
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  VCS Conquerors  105 - 107
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  The Herd  82 - 99
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  RIOTS  122 - 130
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  ballz69  139 - 142
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  Broward Bulls  93 - 104
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  RIOTS  124 - 130
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  VCS Conquerors  119 - 125
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  Memphis Bangers  119 - 122
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  xSLAMx  125 - 108
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  Indianapolis Legends  106 - 119
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  The Herd  111 - 107
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  ballz69  121 - 127
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  xSLAMx  109 - 111
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  RIOTS  106 - 118
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  The Herd  116 - 118
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Kansas City Cavemen  ballz69  131 - 132
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Venice Beach Kooks  Broward Bulls  109 - 118
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Hunters Trace Reality81E  xSLAMx  113 - 116
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  New Yolk Nicks :)  Memphis Bangers  133 - 126
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  baitimore buzzer  RIOTS  128 - 123
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Aincrad demons  VCS Conquerors  119 - 133
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Shoot First  The Herd  107 - 111
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Creads  Indianapolis Legends  109 - 124
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  Hunters Trace Reality81E  90 - 113
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  Kansas City Cavemen  111 - 107
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  Venice Beach Kooks  113 - 107
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  New Yolk Nicks :)  119 - 108
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  baitimore buzzer  107 - 117
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  Aincrad demons  109 - 122
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  Shoot First  92 - 101
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  Creads  102 - 120
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Kansas City Cavemen  xSLAMx  122 - 114
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Venice Beach Kooks  Memphis Bangers  101 - 118
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Hunters Trace Reality81E  RIOTS  121 - 107
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  New Yolk Nicks :)  VCS Conquerors  122 - 129
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  baitimore buzzer  The Herd  94 - 103
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Aincrad demons  Indianapolis Legends  107 - 115
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Shoot First  ballz69  112 - 117
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Creads  Broward Bulls  107 - 119
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  Kansas City Cavemen  108 - 123
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  Venice Beach Kooks  117 - 109
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  Hunters Trace Reality81E  122 - 131
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  baitimore buzzer  121 - 105
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  Aincrad demons  115 - 108
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  Shoot First  96 - 97
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  Creads  131 - 117
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  New Yolk Nicks :)  115 - 112
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Aincrad demons  Broward Bulls  112 - 122
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Kansas City Cavemen  RIOTS  139 - 134
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Venice Beach Kooks  VCS Conquerors  111 - 128
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Hunters Trace Reality81E  The Herd  113 - 116
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  New Yolk Nicks :)  Indianapolis Legends  106 - 115
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  baitimore buzzer  ballz69  101 - 115
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Shoot First  xSLAMx  118 - 119
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Creads  Memphis Bangers  115 - 99
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  Venice Beach Kooks  109 - 117
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  Hunters Trace Reality81E  126 - 144
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  New Yolk Nicks :)  156 - 146
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  baitimore buzzer  124 - 131
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  Aincrad demons  102 - 111
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  Shoot First  124 - 121
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  Creads  118 - 120
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  Kansas City Cavemen  112 - 115
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  baitimore buzzer  xSLAMx  124 - 129
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Shoot First  RIOTS  122 - 120
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Kansas City Cavemen  The Herd  134 - 132
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Venice Beach Kooks  Indianapolis Legends  97 - 116
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Hunters Trace Reality81E  ballz69  116 - 113
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  New Yolk Nicks :)  Broward Bulls  128 - 119
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Aincrad demons  Memphis Bangers  129 - 136
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Creads  VCS Conquerors  118 - 125
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  Kansas City Cavemen 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  Hunters Trace Reality81E 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  New Yolk Nicks :) 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  baitimore buzzer 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  Aincrad demons 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  Shoot First 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  Creads 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  Venice Beach Kooks 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  Indianapolis Legends 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  RIOTS 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  VCS Conquerors 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  The Herd 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  ballz69 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  xSLAMx 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  Memphis Bangers 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  Broward Bulls 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  The Herd 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  Indianapolis Legends 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  RIOTS 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  VCS Conquerors 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  ballz69 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  Broward Bulls 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  xSLAMx 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  Memphis Bangers 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Broward Bulls  Memphis Bangers 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  The Herd 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  VCS Conquerors  Indianapolis Legends 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  xSLAMx 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Memphis Bangers  ballz69 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  Broward Bulls 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Indianapolis Legends  RIOTS 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  VCS Conquerors 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  ballz69  Broward Bulls 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  xSLAMx  Memphis Bangers 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  The Herd  Indianapolis Legends 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  RIOTS  VCS Conquerors 