III.4 Big 8
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
Next: Harbor City Storm
Season Schedule
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Harbor City Storm 
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Prairie Dogs 
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Mighty Spartans 
9/21/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Neophytes 
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Johns Creek Wave 
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  burlington orbitals 
9/24/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Lumberjacks 
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Harbor City Storm 
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Prairie Dogs 
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Mighty Spartans 
9/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Neophytes 
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  burlington orbitals 
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Johns Creek Wave 
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
10/1/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Lumberjacks 
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Harbor City Storm 
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Prairie Dogs 
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Lumberjacks 
10/5/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Johns Creek Wave 
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Neophytes 
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Mighty Spartans 
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  burlington orbitals 
10/8/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Harbor City Storm 
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Mighty Spartans 
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Lumberjacks 
10/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  UofDallas 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Rice Basketball Club 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Diamantes 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Richmond Reapers 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Cutters 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  petersburg 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Galloping Sloths 
10/15/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Bnc and crew 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Diamantes  Neophytes 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  UofDallas  Prairie Dogs 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Rice Basketball Club  Mighty Spartans 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Richmond Reapers  Lumberjacks 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Cutters  Johns Creek Wave 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  petersburg  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Galloping Sloths  burlington orbitals 
10/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bnc and crew  Harbor City Storm 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  UofDallas 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Rice Basketball Club 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Diamantes 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Richmond Reapers 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Cutters 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  petersburg 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Galloping Sloths 
10/22/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Bnc and crew 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  UofDallas  Neophytes 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Rice Basketball Club  Lumberjacks 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Diamantes  Johns Creek Wave 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Cutters  burlington orbitals 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  petersburg  Harbor City Storm 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Galloping Sloths  Prairie Dogs 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bnc and crew  Mighty Spartans 
10/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Richmond Reapers  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  petersburg 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  UofDallas 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Rice Basketball Club 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Diamantes 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Richmond Reapers 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Cutters 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Galloping Sloths 
10/29/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Bnc and crew 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Rice Basketball Club  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Diamantes  burlington orbitals 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Richmond Reapers  Harbor City Storm 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Cutters  Prairie Dogs 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  petersburg  Mighty Spartans 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Galloping Sloths  Neophytes 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bnc and crew  Lumberjacks 
11/2/2024 8:00:00 PM  UofDallas  Johns Creek Wave 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Cutters 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Galloping Sloths 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  UofDallas 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Rice Basketball Club 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Diamantes 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Richmond Reapers 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  petersburg 
11/9/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Bnc and crew 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  UofDallas  burlington orbitals 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Diamantes  Prairie Dogs 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Richmond Reapers  Mighty Spartans 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Cutters  Neophytes 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  petersburg  Lumberjacks 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Galloping Sloths  Johns Creek Wave 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Bnc and crew  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
11/12/2024 8:00:00 PM  Rice Basketball Club  Harbor City Storm 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  burlington orbitals 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Lumberjacks 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Johns Creek Wave 
11/16/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Harbor City Storm 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Mighty Spartans 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Neophytes 
11/19/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Prairie Dogs 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  burlington orbitals 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Lumberjacks 
11/23/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Johns Creek Wave 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Harbor City Storm 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Prairie Dogs 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  Mighty Spartans 
11/26/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Neophytes 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  Prairie Dogs  Neophytes 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Sierra Oaks Cougars 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  Johns Creek Wave  burlington orbitals 
11/30/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Mighty Spartans 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  Neophytes  Harbor City Storm 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Prairie Dogs 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  burlington orbitals  Lumberjacks 
12/3/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  Johns Creek Wave 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  Harbor City Storm  Prairie Dogs 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  Mighty Spartans  Neophytes 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  Sierra Oaks Cougars  burlington orbitals 
12/7/2024 8:00:00 PM  Lumberjacks  Johns Creek Wave 