Ligat Ha'al Great 8
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
Next: Fish Fish Garden
Season Schedule
9/21/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Caesar 1982  114 - 88
9/21/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  the flys  97 - 110
9/21/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  Stars Team  64 - 88
9/21/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  The Mighty Bisons  101 - 111
9/24/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  Coldogs  135 - 133
9/24/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  Givat Ram Porcupines  87 - 90
9/24/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  JLBlazer  93 - 107
9/24/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  Killers Reformed  42 - 154
9/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  the flys  94 - 96
9/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  Caesar 1982  104 - 107
9/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Stars Team  89 - 116
9/28/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  The Mighty Bisons  84 - 95
10/1/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  Givat Ram Porcupines  69 - 152
10/1/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  JLBlazer  87 - 102
10/1/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  Killers Reformed  85 - 89
10/1/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  Coldogs  137 - 128
10/5/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  Caesar 1982  87 - 92
10/5/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  the flys  113 - 69
10/5/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  Killers Reformed  87 - 68
10/5/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  JLBlazer  79 - 86
10/8/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  The Mighty Bisons  75 - 143
10/8/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  Stars Team  76 - 88
10/8/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Givat Ram Porcupines  91 - 92
10/8/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  Coldogs  113 - 100
10/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  Caesar 1982  80 - 86
10/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  JLBlazer  76 - 87
10/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  Coldogs  95 - 107
10/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  Stars Team  81 - 103
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  LetsGoIL  Givat Ram Porcupines  100 - 133
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  TF Opena  Caesar 1982  34 - 129
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  Ein Gedi Cliffs  the flys  105 - 85
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  Underrated Magicians  Stars Team  144 - 66
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  Fish Fish Garden  The Mighty Bisons  94 - 96
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  hapoel shab  JLBlazer  69 - 103
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv!  Killers Reformed  108 - 98
10/15/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Puppies  Coldogs  118 - 59
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  Ein Gedi Cliffs  100 - 134
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  Underrated Magicians  117 - 111
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  hapoel shab  87 - 103
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv!  76 - 93
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  The Puppies  84 - 72
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  LetsGoIL  107 - 74
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  TF Opena  120 - 55
10/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  Fish Fish Garden  103 - 94
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  Underrated Magicians  Caesar 1982  129 - 115
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  Fish Fish Garden  the flys  94 - 72
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  hapoel shab  Stars Team  35 - 114
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv!  The Mighty Bisons  100 - 83
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Puppies  JLBlazer  96 - 83
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  LetsGoIL  Killers Reformed  80 - 116
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  TF Opena  Coldogs  41 - 136
10/22/2024 10:55:00 AM  Ein Gedi Cliffs  Givat Ram Porcupines  80 - 96
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  Fish Fish Garden  76 - 109
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  hapoel shab  98 - 106
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv!  36 - 111
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  LetsGoIL  121 - 86
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  TF Opena  133 - 36
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  Ein Gedi Cliffs  112 - 121
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  Underrated Magicians  87 - 110
10/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  The Puppies  75 - 96
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  Ein Gedi Cliffs  Killers Reformed  91 - 99
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  hapoel shab  Caesar 1982  97 - 82
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv!  the flys  105 - 83
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Puppies  Stars Team  21 - 114
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  LetsGoIL  The Mighty Bisons  85 - 108
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  TF Opena  JLBlazer  45 - 146
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  Underrated Magicians  Coldogs  121 - 110
10/29/2024 10:55:00 AM  Fish Fish Garden  Givat Ram Porcupines  51 - 89
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  The Puppies 
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  LetsGoIL 
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  TF Opena 
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Ein Gedi Cliffs 
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  Underrated Magicians 
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  Fish Fish Garden 
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  hapoel shab 
11/2/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv! 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  Underrated Magicians  JLBlazer 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  hapoel shab  Coldogs 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Puppies  Caesar 1982 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  LetsGoIL  the flys 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  TF Opena  Stars Team 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  Ein Gedi Cliffs  The Mighty Bisons 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  Fish Fish Garden  Killers Reformed 
11/9/2024 10:55:00 AM  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv!  Givat Ram Porcupines 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  LetsGoIL 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  Ein Gedi Cliffs 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  Underrated Magicians 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Fish Fish Garden 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  hapoel shab 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  Maccabi Sharp Tel Aviv! 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  The Puppies 
11/12/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  TF Opena 
11/16/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  JLBlazer 
11/16/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  Killers Reformed 
11/16/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  Coldogs 
11/16/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  Givat Ram Porcupines 
11/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  the flys 
11/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  Stars Team 
11/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  The Mighty Bisons 
11/19/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  Caesar 1982 
11/23/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  Givat Ram Porcupines 
11/23/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  Coldogs 
11/23/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  JLBlazer 
11/23/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  Killers Reformed 
11/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  Caesar 1982 
11/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  the flys 
11/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  Stars Team 
11/26/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  The Mighty Bisons 
11/30/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  Stars Team 
11/30/2024 10:55:00 AM  the flys  The Mighty Bisons 
11/30/2024 10:55:00 AM  Killers Reformed  Givat Ram Porcupines 
11/30/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Coldogs 
12/3/2024 10:55:00 AM  The Mighty Bisons  Caesar 1982 
12/3/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  the flys 
12/3/2024 10:55:00 AM  Givat Ram Porcupines  JLBlazer 
12/3/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  Killers Reformed 
12/7/2024 10:55:00 AM  Caesar 1982  the flys 
12/7/2024 10:55:00 AM  JLBlazer  Killers Reformed 
12/7/2024 10:55:00 AM  Coldogs  Givat Ram Porcupines 
12/7/2024 10:55:00 AM  Stars Team  The Mighty Bisons 